I am creating folders in a directory from a list of part numbers in a text file. Right now I am using a batch file that is run within each folder created manually, but is not very efficient. I have not gotten in to multiple directories and subdirectory creation. Here is what I am trying to do ...
Code for reading the text file with part numbers I want to create folders for:
But inside of each of those folders, I want to create sub-folders:
Any help is greatly appreciated
I am creating folders in a directory from a list of part numbers in a text file. Right now I am using a batch file that is run within each folder created manually, but is not very efficient. I have not gotten in to multiple directories and subdirectory creation. Here is what I am trying to do ...
Code for reading the text file with part numbers I want to create folders for:
dim objFileSys, objReadFile
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Set objFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objReadFile = objFileSys.OpenTextFile("C:\Folders\FolderFile.txt", ForReading)
Do until objReadFile.AtEndOfStream = True
Set objReadFile = Nothing
Set objFileSys = Nothing
But inside of each of those folders, I want to create sub-folders:
Any help is greatly appreciated