I have used this a lot.
<p><font size="1"><a href="mailto:dposton@barcodeone.com">Like this ad, We can show you how...</a></font></p>
But is there a way to add the subject to it too???
So when the user clicks it launches their e-mial and the To: as me (dposton@barcodeone.com) but includes a Subject like:
"Request information on barcode font"
DougP, MCP
Visit my WEB site to see how Bar-codes can help you be more productive
<p><font size="1"><a href="mailto:dposton@barcodeone.com">Like this ad, We can show you how...</a></font></p>
But is there a way to add the subject to it too???
So when the user clicks it launches their e-mial and the To: as me (dposton@barcodeone.com) but includes a Subject like:
"Request information on barcode font"
DougP, MCP
Visit my WEB site to see how Bar-codes can help you be more productive