Olaf Doschke
Creating a database is one of the non working commands within a transaction (see help topic of BEGIN TRANSACTION).
But we can still create files and in the simplest case we could copy an empty dbc/dct/dcx file triple and rename them to whatever DBC name we need.
We can also do that without having such template files available, though:
The files differ binary from a normal DBC, mainly because the index expressions CREATE DATABASE creates are not all upper case. There are some other binary differences, but the resulting DBC still works.
Notice: The dbc file ending must be specified, so the COPY TO command creates dbc/dct/dcx instead of dbf/fpt/cdx file extensions. Otherwise the files would need to be renamed.
But we can still create files and in the simplest case we could copy an empty dbc/dct/dcx file triple and rename them to whatever DBC name we need.
We can also do that without having such template files available, though:
#Define ccNewDBC "mynew.dbc"
Cd (GetEnv("TEMP"))
Begin Transaction
* Just to demonstrate the CREATE DATABASE statement errors:
Create Database (ccNewDBC)
Catch to loException
? "catch:",loException.Message
* Create a DBC by creating a DBF, first as Cursor
Create Cursor newdb (objectid i, parentid i, objecttype c(10), objectname c(128), property M nocptran, code M nocptran, riinfo c(6), user M)
Index On STR(parentid)+objecttype+LOWER(objectname) TAG OBJECTNAME COLLATE 'Machine' FOR !DELETED()
Index On STR(parentid)+objecttype TAG OBJECTTYPE COLLATE 'Machine' FOR !DELETED()
Insert Into newdb Values (1,1,'Database','Database',0h0B0000000100180000000A,"","","")
Insert Into newdb Values (2,1,'Database','TransactionLog',"","","")
Insert Into newdb Values (3,1,'Database','StoredProceduresSource',"","","")
Insert Into newdb Values (4,1,'Database','StoredProceduresObject',"","","")
Insert Into newdb Values (5,1,'Database','StoredProceduresDependencies',"","","")
* Copy that data including CDX to disc:
Copy To (ccNewDBC) WITH CDX
*Need to change 1 bit as flag for dbc
h = FOpen(ccNewDBC,12)
* Now the DBC can be used as usual
Open Database (ccNewDBC)
End Transaction
The files differ binary from a normal DBC, mainly because the index expressions CREATE DATABASE creates are not all upper case. There are some other binary differences, but the resulting DBC still works.
Notice: The dbc file ending must be specified, so the COPY TO command creates dbc/dct/dcx instead of dbf/fpt/cdx file extensions. Otherwise the files would need to be renamed.