I've been working on some code to try and handle creating a comma delimited list of values from combo boxes. If there are two combox boxes, the user can either choose one of two values or enter in their own value. I would like to store this in a string. When the user selects or enters another value in the 2nd combo box, then add that to the list, ie., "brown,glasses". I've got code to handle one combo box, but I'm struggling with the multiple combo boxes since it is a lot more complicated. The last option is where the user can enter in text. The following is an example of the combo box on my asp page.:
The combo box gets its real functionality from the onFocus, onChange and onKeypress events. onFocus calls combo_focus(), onChange calls combo_change() and onKeypress calls combo_keypress(). The else part of the code in combo_focus gets rather lengthy and that is the part that I need help with.:
So, I apologize for the lengthy post, but I wanted to make sure that I included everything. So, my goal is to create a comma-delimited list of values, ie. "black hair, wire-rimmed glasses" to store in a variable on the page. So any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've been working on some code to try and handle creating a comma delimited list of values from combo boxes. If there are two combox boxes, the user can either choose one of two values or enter in their own value. I would like to store this in a string. When the user selects or enters another value in the 2nd combo box, then add that to the list, ie., "brown,glasses". I've got code to handle one combo box, but I'm struggling with the multiple combo boxes since it is a lot more complicated. The last option is where the user can enter in text. The following is an example of the combo box on my asp page.:
<tr class="item" height="28">
<td width="350" nowrap>Child's Physical Description</td>
<td width="425" nowrap>
<select id="text4" name="text4" size="1" style="width: 300px;"
onFocus="return combo_focus(this);"
onChange="return combo_change(this); OnSelText(this);"
onKeydown="return combo_keydown(this, event); OnSelText(this);"
onKeypress="return combo_keypress(this, event);"
onKeyup="return combo_keyup(this, event);">
<option value="0" >Enter Child's Physical Description
<option value="66000" selected>Unknown
<option value="66001">
<tr class="item" height="28">
<td width="350" nowrap>Suspect's Physical Description</td>
<td width="425" nowrap>
<select id="text5" name="text5" size="1" style="width: 300px;"
onFocus="return combo_focus(this);"
onChange="return combo_change(this); OnSelText(this);"
onKeydown="return combo_keydown(this, event); OnSelText(this);"
onKeypress="return combo_keypress(this, event);"
onKeyup="return combo_keyup(this, event);">
<option value="0" >Enter Suspect's Physical Description
<option value="67000" selected>Unknown
<option value="67001">
The combo box gets its real functionality from the onFocus, onChange and onKeypress events. onFocus calls combo_focus(), onChange calls combo_change() and onKeypress calls combo_keypress(). The else part of the code in combo_focus gets rather lengthy and that is the part that I need help with.:
var combo_word; //The user-editable word
var combo_keypress_called; // A fix for Konqueror/Safari
var newSource;
var curSource;
var oldSource;
// When select is focused, set the editable word.
function combo_focus(element)
// original function combo_focus(element)
/*combo_word = "";
if(element.selectedIndex >= 0)
combo_word = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text;
return true;*/
combo_word = "";
var aatakes = document.forms[0].aatakes.value; // aatakes is the number of amber alert combo boxes
var delim = ",";
var textList = document.forms[0].cbTextList.value; //comma-delimited list of text values
var pos = document.forms[0].pos.value;
if (aatakes == 1) // one combo box
if(element.selectedIndex >= 0)
combo_word = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text;
if (textList.length <= 0) //more accurate than, textList = ""
// Search for "Enter.." in combo_word
if("Enter") >= 0)
document.forms[0].action.value = "";
pos ="Enter");
textList = "";
// Search for "Unknown" in combo_word
else if("Unknown") >= 0)
document.forms[0].action.value = "";
pos ="Unknown");
textList = "";
else if(pos == -1)
textList = combo_word;
else //textList has a value
// Search for "Enter.." in combo_word
if ("Enter") >= 0)
document.forms[0].action.value = "";
pos ="Enter");
textList = "";
// Search for "Unknown" in combo_word
if ("Unknown") >= 0)
document.forms[0].action.value = "";
pos ="Unknown");
textList = "";
else if(pos == -1)
textList = combo_word;
else // multiple combo boxes
//alert("multiple combo boxes");
if(element.selectedIndex >= 0)
newSource =;
curSource = newSource;
//alert("curSource:" + curSource);
combo_word = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text;
if (textList.length <= 0)
//alert("if (eval(buffer) <= 0)");
// Search for "Enter.." in combo_word
if("Enter") >= 0)
//alert("if( >= 0)");
document.forms[0].action.value = "";
pos ="Enter");
textList = "";
// Search for "Unknown" in combo_word
else if("Unknown") >= 0)
//alert("else if( >= 0)");
document.forms[0].action.value = "";
pos ="Unknown");
textList = "";
else if(pos == -1)
//alert("else if(pos == -1)");
textList = combo_word;
oldSource = curSource;
//alert("oldSource:" + oldSource);
else //textList has a value
//alert("curSource:" + curSource);
if (curSource != oldSource) // if current element is different then old element
// Search for "Enter.." in combo_word
if ("Enter") >= 0)
//alert("if( >= 0)");
document.forms[0].action.value = "";
pos ="Enter");
textList = textList;
// Search for "Unknown" in combo_word
if ("Unknown") >= 0)
//alert("if( >= 0)");
document.forms[0].action.value = "";
pos ="Unknown");
textList = textList;
else if(pos == -1)
//alert("else if(pos == -1)");
textList += delim + combo_word;
else // curSource is the same element as oldSource
// Search for "Enter.." in combo_word
if ("Enter") >= 0)
//alert("if( >= 0)");
document.forms[0].action.value = "";
pos ="Enter");
textList = "";
// Search for "Unknown" in combo_word
if ("Unknown") >= 0)
//alert("if( >= 0)");
document.forms[0].action.value = "";
pos ="Unknown");
textList = "";
else if(pos == -1)
//alert("else if(pos == -1)");
textList = combo_word;
alert("textList: " + textList);
document.forms[0].cbTextList.value = textList;
return true;
// Same function as focus, but here to make the HTML less confusing.
function combo_change(element)
return combo_focus(element);
// Return false to try and block built-in keydown functions.
function combo_keydown(element, event)
var c=0;
if(event.keyCode) c = event.keyCode;
else if(event.charCode) c = event.charCode;
else if (event.which) c = event.which;
// Don't block the tab key
if(c == 9) return true;
// We have not called keypress yet.
combo_keypress_called = false;
return false;
// The real work. Update the editable word and the select box.
function combo_keypress(element, event)
// space bar works in IE, not in FF
// Do not call this again on keyup.
combo_keypress_called = true;
// Get the current key pressed.
var c=0;
if(event.keyCode) c = event.keyCode;
else if(event.charCode) c = event.charCode;
else if (event.which) c = event.which;
// Don't block the tab key
if(c == 9) return true;
// Konqueror sends all alpha-characters in as upper case.
// This converts them to lower case if shift is not pressed.
if(c>=65 && c<=90) c+= 32;
else if(c == 190) c = 46; // period
else if(c == 189) c = 45; // minus sign
else if(c == 187) c = 61; // equal sign
else if(c == 192) c = 96; // backtick
else if(c == 222) c = 39; // single quote
else if(c == 186) c = 59; // ;
// IE doesn't send the numbers shifted.
if(c == 48) c = 41;
else if(c == 49) c = 33;
else if(c == 50) c = 64;
else if(c == 51) c = 35;
else if(c == 52) c = 36;
else if(c == 53) c = 37;
else if(c == 54) c = 94;
else if(c == 55) c = 38;
else if(c == 56) c = 42;
else if(c == 57) c = 40;
else if(c == 187) c = 43; // plus sign
else if(c == 189) c = 95; // underscore
else if(c == 192) c = 126; // ~
else if(c == 222) c = 34; // quotes
else if(c == 186) c = 58; // :
// This is used to get char codes that don't show up properly.
//if(c > 126) alert(c);
if(c>=32 && c<=126) // Printable characters
combo_word += String.fromCharCode(c);
//element.options[2].value = combo_word; // take_id will not be selected
// and default to 0
element.options[2].text = combo_word;
var combo_wlc = combo_word.toLowerCase();
var combo_select = 2;
for(i=1; i<element.options.length; i++)
combo_sel = element.options[i].text.toLowerCase();
if(combo_wlc.length <= combo_sel.length)
combo_sel = combo_sel.substring(0, combo_wlc.length);
if(combo_wlc == combo_sel)
combo_select = i;
element.selectedIndex = combo_select;
else if((c == 8 || c == 4099) && combo_word.length>0) // Backspace
combo_word = combo_word.substring(0, combo_word.length-1);
//element.options[2].value = combo_word; // take_id will not be selected
// and default to 0
element.options[2].text = combo_word;
element.selectedIndex = 2;
//alert("char code: " + c);
// Make sure combo_word is set after every keypress event
return false;
So, I apologize for the lengthy post, but I wanted to make sure that I included everything. So, my goal is to create a comma-delimited list of values, ie. "black hair, wire-rimmed glasses" to store in a variable on the page. So any help would be greatly appreciated.