I am having the same problem as UHSoccer. I have read the paper posted by rosemaryl to get to where I am. basically, I am passing 4 parameters to a sub report:
GroupHeader (contains month and year info)
TotalOutages (contains the total number of outages for the month specified in group header)
ChronicIncidentCount (total count of incidents that occur on the same object more than 2x)
ChronicSystemCount (distinct count of objects that appear more than 2x)
The only runtime formula I'm using it the ChronicIncidentCount (because I can't get a running total to work)
the formula for the ChronicIncidentCount is:
EvaluateAfter ({@CountReset});
//@CountReset creates the ComboHeader (MON YYYY)
//GroupHeader a variable containing the group Header (MON YYYY)
global NumberVar IncidentTemp;
global StringVar Comboheader;
global StringVar GroupHeader;
//on change of group criteria is ComboHeader <> GroupHeader
if ComboHeader <> GroupHeader then IncidentTemp :=0;
//checkes to see if object appears chronically (>2x) then subtracts 2 from the total count
if Count ({object}, {object}) >=3
then IncidentTemp := IncidentTemp + (Count ({object}, {object})-2)
I basically have two options: if somone can get this where I can create a modified running total it will solve my problem. As it is, I can pass the array to the subreport as in the paper, but it only will display the 1st values, and won't loop through the remaining items in the array.
I have now created the parameters listed in the paper by business objects and linked them into my subreport. However, now I hit the problem that the subreport isn't looping through the array. I do not need any new records in the subreport. Basically, I'm summarizing about 3000 records for the year to produce 4 fields: Month, total outages per month, chronic system count per month, and chronic incidents per month to look like the following:
January 2005
Chronic systems 5
Chronic incidents 15
Total Outages 100
The Chronic systems and Total outages are running totals grouped by month. The Chronic incident formula is the only runtime formula I'm using and is detailed in my above post.
I created a paramter string for each of the 4 fields I need and am writing them into an array: i.e. January 2005^February 2005 becomes Array x["January 2005", "February 2005"] etc.... I have also created a counter formula, but cannot figure out how to force it to increment.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm very fuzzy on arrays in crystal...
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