Has anyone ever set one of these up?
I don't have mad ldap skillz or anything, I'm probably somewhere between beginner and intermediate.
I'd like to set up something along the lines of a company directory. I've been monkeying with it, but I can't really get it to work.
I've tried in other versions, but to provide a specific example, I'm trying to enable netscape communicator 7 to look up addresses in an ldap. I go under prefs, mail/news, addressing, check off directory server, edit directories, add, give it a name, supply the correct hostname, I put in the base dn (just for testing, I'm using the base dn of the address book used by nms web mail directory server for my mail login), port # 389, and the bind dn. For the bind dn, I've tried my uid, as well as cn=directory manager. I get no results. It doesn't seem to be able to use the dir man, there's no attempt to prompt for a password or anything, presumably it needs an anonymous access directory? (i'm not sure how to set this up)
When I fool around with ldapsearch on the cli, it shows the entries from that base dn when I use the dir man bind dn, but not when I use my regular uid bind dn and password. I don't get an error, it just doesn't show the entries.
In the logs nothing appears in the error log. In the access log, results when I use my uid:
results when I use dir man:
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanx!
I don't have mad ldap skillz or anything, I'm probably somewhere between beginner and intermediate.
I'd like to set up something along the lines of a company directory. I've been monkeying with it, but I can't really get it to work.
I've tried in other versions, but to provide a specific example, I'm trying to enable netscape communicator 7 to look up addresses in an ldap. I go under prefs, mail/news, addressing, check off directory server, edit directories, add, give it a name, supply the correct hostname, I put in the base dn (just for testing, I'm using the base dn of the address book used by nms web mail directory server for my mail login), port # 389, and the bind dn. For the bind dn, I've tried my uid, as well as cn=directory manager. I get no results. It doesn't seem to be able to use the dir man, there's no attempt to prompt for a password or anything, presumably it needs an anonymous access directory? (i'm not sure how to set this up)
When I fool around with ldapsearch on the cli, it shows the entries from that base dn when I use the dir man bind dn, but not when I use my regular uid bind dn and password. I don't get an error, it just doesn't show the entries.
In the logs nothing appears in the error log. In the access log, results when I use my uid:
13/Dec/2002:10:57:03 -0500] conn=4678 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=0 etime=0
[13/Dec/2002:10:57:03 -0500] conn=4678 op=2 UNBIND
[13/Dec/2002:10:57:03 -0500] conn=4678 op=2 fd=76 closed - U1
results when I use dir man:
[13/Dec/2002:10:57:51 -0500] conn=4679 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=4 etime=0
[13/Dec/2002:10:57:51 -0500] conn=4679 op=2 UNBIND
[13/Dec/2002:10:57:51 -0500] conn=4679 op=2 fd=76 closed - U1
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanx!