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Create a desktop shortcut for my packaged mde

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Jan 6, 2001
using Developer XP/Packaging Wizard, I've made a runtime version of my database.

how do I set it up so that any user who installs my ap gets a shortcut automatically on their desktop that links to it? some people seem to have a problem understanding the Start/Program routine.
Is'nt it part of the package????

Hope this helps
you would thinks so, but it isn't.

also, is there any way at all to edit the installation routine? it is one ugly looking mutha.
Which version are you using? it is part of xp
never tried to edit the installation routine it has been ok for me when I figured out all my mistakes.
Most clients trust the vendor and go with the package

Hope this helps
you must write a custom routine to add short cuts. the set up package come with the source for Developer. I had the same problem and bought wise installer

Hope this helps
well, I can live with the one that comes with XP Professional.

my real problem is creating that desktop shortcut. Wise is more money than I want to spend, and it's not really worth it to fix this one issue.
Nullsoft (makers of the popular WinAmp MP3 player) have a free installer program (installer creation program? Program that creates your custom installer? The word-choice is tricky with this product) available for use:

Also, their home web page is neat enough for me to mention it without any particular reason. It uses the "image within text" format that is too difficult to explain, and is much easier to just link to: - definitely check this out.
KILLER! that's exactly what I was hoping existed somewhere out there. i'll give it a shot.

by the way, is anybody out there familiar with this program?
what I mean, is, is it reasonably reliable on a variety of platforms? i suppose it must be, if everybody who uses WinAmp uses it. i'm more concerned about it's reliability in working with massive Access files though.
Hey guys, I'm looking for Access XP developer tool kit. Why is I can't find it on Microsoft's website. Is it bundled as a package with something else?

Help and thanks
I don't know for Windows XP but in Windows NT4.0 Resource Kit Supplement One

i have a tools shortcut.exe

Maybe this tools exist in Windows XP version.

and i use a API to retreive the special Folder for create the shortcut on desktop and start menu.

API: Retrieving a Special Folder's location
Dev Ashish

Windows Shell namespace organizes all objects (both storage and non-storage specific) of a file system into a single hierarchical tree. There are certain standard (virtual) folders that are automatically created and managed by the operating system, users cannot create these virtual folders.

To get the physical path that these virtual folders are pointing to, the OS provides SHGetSpecialFolderLocation and SHGetPathFromIDList functions. To retrieve a folder's physical path, pass it's corressponding CSIDL value to the fGetSpecialFolderLocation function.

Note: Not all system folders exist under both Win 9x and NT/2000. Please read the comments preceding each constant declaration for more details.

' ********** Code Start **********
'This code was originally written by Dev Ashish.
'It is not to be altered or distributed,
'except as part of an application.
'You are free to use it in any application,
'provided the copyright notice is left unchanged.
'Code Courtesy of
'Dev Ashish
' The following table outlines the different DLL versions,
' and how they were distributed.
' Version DLL Distribution Platform
' 4.00 All Microsoft® Windows® 95/Windows NT® 4.0.
' 4.70 All Microsoft® Internet Explorer 3.x.
' 4.71 All Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0
' 4.72 All Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.01 and Windows® 98
' 5.00 Shlwapi.dll Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5
' 5.00 Shell32.dll Microsoft® Windows® 2000.
' 5.80 Comctl32.dll Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5
' 5.81 Comctl32.dll Microsoft® Windows 2000

' © Microsoft. Information copied from Microsoft's
' Platform SDK Documentation in MSDN
' ('
' If a special folder does not exist, you can force it to be
' created by using the following special CSIDL:
' (Version 5.0)
Public Const CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE = &H8000

' Combine this CSIDL with any of the CSIDLs listed below
' to force the creation of the associated folder.

' The remaining CSIDLs correspond to either file system or virtual folders.
' Where the CSIDL identifies a file system folder, a commonly used path
' is given as an example. Other paths may be used. Some CSIDLs can be
' mapped to an equivalent %VariableName% environment variable.
' CSIDLs are much more reliable, however, and should be used if at all possible.

' File system directory that is used to store administrative tools for an individual user.
' The Microsoft Management Console will save customized consoles to
' this directory and it will roam with the user.
' (Version 5.0)
Public Const CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS = &H30

' File system directory that corresponds to the user's
' nonlocalized Startup program group.

' File system directory that serves as a common repository for application-specific
' data. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data.
' This CSIDL is supported by the redistributable ShFolder.dll for systems that do
' not have the Internet Explorer 4.0 integrated shell installed.
' (Version 4.71)
Public Const CSIDL_APPDATA = &H1A

' Virtual folder containing the objects in the user's Recycle Bin.

' File system directory containing containing administrative tools
' for all users of the computer.
' Version 5

' File system directory that corresponds to the nonlocalized Startup program
' group for all users. Valid only for Windows NT® systems.

' Application data for all users. A typical path is
' C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data.
' Version 5

' File system directory that contains files and folders that appear on the
' desktop for all users. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop.
' Valid only for Windows NT® systems.

' File system directory that contains documents that are common to all users.
' A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents.
' Valid for Windows NT® systems and Windows 95 and Windows 98
' systems with Shfolder.dll installed.

' File system directory that serves as a common repository for all users' favorite items.
' Valid only for Windows NT® systems.

' File system directory that contains the directories for the common program
' groups that appear on the Start menu for all users. A typical path is
' C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs.
' Valid only for Windows NT® systems.

' File system directory that contains the programs and folders that appear on
' the Start menu for all users. A typical path is
' C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu.
' Valid only for Windows NT® systems.

' File system directory that contains the programs that appear in the
' Startup folder for all users. A typical path is
' C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
' Valid only for Windows NT® systems.

' File system directory that contains the templates that are available to all users.
' A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Templates.
' Valid only for Windows NT® systems.

' Virtual folder containing icons for the Control Panel applications.
Public Const CSIDL_CONTROLS = &H3

' File system directory that serves as a common repository for Internet cookies.
' A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Cookies.
Public Const CSIDL_COOKIES = &H21

' Windows Desktop—virtual folder that is the root of the namespace..
Public Const CSIDL_DESKTOP = &H0

' File system directory used to physically store file objects on the desktop
' (not to be confused with the desktop folder itself).
' A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop

' My Computer—virtual folder containing everything on the local computer:
' storage devices, printers, and Control Panel. The folder may
' also contain mapped network drives.
Public Const CSIDL_DRIVES = &H11

' File system directory that serves as a common repository for the user's
' favorite items. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Favorites.
Public Const CSIDL_FAVORITES = &H6

' Virtual folder containing fonts. A typical path is C:\WINNT\Fonts.
Public Const CSIDL_FONTS = &H14

' File system directory that serves as a common repository for
' Internet history items.
Public Const CSIDL_HISTORY = &H22

' Virtual folder representing the Internet.
Public Const CSIDL_INTERNET = &H1

' File system directory that serves as a common repository for
' temporary Internet files. A typical path is
' C:\Documents and Settings\username\Temporary Internet Files.

' File system directory that serves as a data repository for local
' (non-roaming) applications. A typical path is
' C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data.
' Version 5

' My Pictures folder. A typical path is
' C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Pictures.
' Version 5
Public Const CSIDL_MYPICTURES = &H27

' A file system folder containing the link objects that may exist in the
' My Network Places virtual folder. It is not the same as CSIDL_NETWORK,
' which represents the network namespace root. A typical path is
' C:\Documents and Settings\username\NetHood.
Public Const CSIDL_NETHOOD = &H13

' Network Neighborhood—virtual folder representing the
' root of the network namespace hierarchy.
Public Const CSIDL_NETWORK = &H12

' File system directory that serves as a common repository for documents.
' A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents.
Public Const CSIDL_PERSONAL = &H5

' Virtual folder containing installed printers.
Public Const CSIDL_PRINTERS = &H4

' File system directory that contains the link objects that may exist in the
' Printers virtual folder. A typical path is
' C:\Documents and Settings\username\PrintHood.

' User's profile folder.
' Version 5
Public Const CSIDL_PROFILE = &H28

' Program Files folder. A typical path is C:\Program Files.
' Version 5

' A folder for components that are shared across applications. A typical path
' is C:\Program Files\Common.
' Valid only for Windows NT® and Windows® 2000 systems.
' Version 5

' Program Files folder that is common to all users for x86 applications
' on RISC systems. A typical path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Common.
' Version 5

' Program Files folder for x86 applications on RISC systems. Corresponds
' to the %PROGRAMFILES(X86)% environment variable.
' A typical path is C:\Program Files (x86).
' Version 5

' File system directory that contains the user's program groups (which are
' also file system directories). A typical path is
' C:\Documents and Settings\username\Start Menu\Programs.
Public Const CSIDL_PROGRAMS = &H2

' File system directory that contains the user's most recently used documents.
' A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Recent.
' To create a shortcut in this folder, use SHAddToRecentDocs. In addition to
' creating the shortcut, this function updates the shell's list of recent documents
' and adds the shortcut to the Documents submenu of the Start menu.
Public Const CSIDL_RECENT = &H8

' File system directory that contains Send To menu items. A typical path is
' C:\Documents and Settings\username\SendTo.
Public Const CSIDL_SENDTO = &H9

' File system directory containing Start menu items.
' A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Start Menu.

' File system directory that corresponds to the user's Startup program group.
' The system starts these programs whenever any user logs onto Windows NT® or
' starts Windows® 95. A typical path is
' C:\Documents and Settings\username\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
Public Const CSIDL_STARTUP = &H7

' System folder. A typical path is C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32.
' Version 5
Public Const CSIDL_SYSTEM = &H25

' System folder for x86 applications on RISC systems.
' A typical path is C:\WINNT\SYS32X86.
' Version 5
Public Const CSIDL_SYSTEMX86 = &H29

' File system directory that serves as a common repository
' for document templates.
Public Const CSIDL_TEMPLATES = &H15

' Version 5.0. Windows directory or SYSROOT. This corresponds to the %windir%
' or %SYSTEMROOT% environment variables. A typical path is C:\WINNT.
Public Const CSIDL_WINDOWS = &H24

Public Const NOERROR = 0

' Retrieves a pointer to the ITEMIDLIST structure of a special folder.
Private Declare Function apiSHGetSpecialFolderLocation Lib "shell32" _
Alias "SHGetSpecialFolderLocation" _
(ByVal hwndOwner As Long, _
ByVal nFolder As Long, _
ppidl As Long) _
As Long

' Converts an item identifier list to a file system path.
Private Declare Function apiSHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32" _
Alias "SHGetPathFromIDList" _
(pidl As Long, _
ByVal pszPath As String) _
As Long

' Frees a block of task memory previously allocated through a call to
' the CoTaskMemAlloc or CoTaskMemRealloc function.
Private Declare Sub sapiCoTaskMemFree Lib "ole32" _
Alias "CoTaskMemFree" _
(ByVal pv As Long)

Private Const MAX_PATH = 260

Function fGetSpecialFolderLocation(ByVal lngCSIDL As Long) As String
' Returns path to a special folder on the machine
' without a trailing backslash.
' Refer to the comments in declarations for OS and
' IE dependent CSIDL values.
Dim lngRet As Long
Dim strLocation As String
Dim pidl As Long

' retrieve a PIDL for the specified location
lngRet = apiSHGetSpecialFolderLocation(hWndAccessApp, lngCSIDL, pidl)
If lngRet = NOERROR Then
strLocation = Space$(MAX_PATH)
' convert the pidl to a physical path
lngRet = apiSHGetPathFromIDList(ByVal pidl, strLocation)
If Not lngRet = 0 Then
' if successful, return the location
fGetSpecialFolderLocation = Left$(strLocation, _
InStr(strLocation, vbNullChar) - 1)
End If
' calling application is responsible for freeing the allocated memory
' for pidl when calling SHGetSpecialFolderLocation. We have to
' call IMalloc::Release, but to get to IMalloc, a tlb is required.
' According to Kraig Brockschmidt in Inside OLE, CoTaskMemAlloc,
' CoTaskMemFree, and CoTaskMemRealloc take the same parameters
' as the interface functions and internally call CoGetMalloc, the
' appropriate IMalloc function, and then IMalloc::Release.
Call sapiCoTaskMemFree(pidl)
End If
End Function
' ********** Code End **********
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