Technical User
Hi, i can create single user at a time by using following command
dsadd user "cn=tom,ou=student_ou,dc=mydomain,dc=com" -samid tom -upn -fn Tom -ln Burrow -display "Tom Burrow" -hmdrv z: -hmdir \\server1\studenthome\$username$ -pwd 01051975 -disabled no
Has anybody tried using this command to create bulk users whose details are in csv/txt file.
dsadd user "cn=tom,ou=student_ou,dc=mydomain,dc=com" -samid tom -upn -fn Tom -ln Burrow -display "Tom Burrow" -hmdrv z: -hmdir \\server1\studenthome\$username$ -pwd 01051975 -disabled no
Has anybody tried using this command to create bulk users whose details are in csv/txt file.