When the creport.selectprinter(arg1,arg2,arg3) is used to send the report to a different printer than the default, the error occurs "error starting print job. Please check your printer or network connection".
The knowledge base from Crystaldecisions reports it as a bug. using the creport.PaperOrientation = crDefaultPaperOrientation before the creport.printout doesn't give the error anymore !
At your service !
When the creport.selectprinter(arg1,arg2,arg3) is used to send the report to a different printer than the default, the error occurs "error starting print job. Please check your printer or network connection".
The knowledge base from Crystaldecisions reports it as a bug. using the creport.PaperOrientation = crDefaultPaperOrientation before the creport.printout doesn't give the error anymore !
At your service !