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CR9 Conflict between SELECTPRINTER and PRINTOUT? 2

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Jun 20, 2001
I am trying (VB6 CR9.2) to set a particular printer for a report and then print without user intervention. It appears that I can use the REPORT.SELECTPRINTER when doing a manual printout and it works fine. I can use the REPORT.PRINTOUT method and accept the system default printer and print without user input BUT if I try to SELECTPRINTER and then PRINTOUT it gives an error indicating "error starting print job, check connection to printer".

What am I missing here, this should surely be possible.

Thanks for any help on this, David Abineri
I'm trying to do the same thing. Did you ever get a resolution to this problem?
I am doing it this way without bringing up the preview screen.

Dim crxApplication As New craxdrt.Application, report As New craxdrt.Report, DB As craxdrt.DatabaseTable
Set report = crxApplication.OpenReport(Report)
Set DB = reportt.Database.Tables(1)
DB.Location = PATH
If Len(Trim(DeviceName)) > 0 Then
reportt.SelectPrinter DriverName, DeviceName, PrinterPort
End If
reportt.PaperOrientation = crDefaultPaperOrientation
reportt.PrintOut False, numprint

The FALSE in the line above supresses the printer dialog box.

Hope this helps.

David Abineri

Paper orientation ... just what I needed.

Thanks davida!! Star for you.

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