First I have to say I know next to nothing about Crystal Report. I'm only doing a search for someone that doesn't have the time to look.
Is there a way in Crystal Report to be aware of the logged on user? in Windows, we have the %username% that gives us the logged on user. Is there a variable like that in CR that could let us define some different actions based on the logged on user?
I googled it, but I wasn't able to make the correct search to find something.
Thank you,
First I have to say I know next to nothing about Crystal Report. I'm only doing a search for someone that doesn't have the time to look.
Is there a way in Crystal Report to be aware of the logged on user? in Windows, we have the %username% that gives us the logged on user. Is there a variable like that in CR that could let us define some different actions based on the logged on user?
I googled it, but I wasn't able to make the correct search to find something.
Thank you,