I had a web page that users called up using a couple of parameters like the day and the shift. The parameters i send to the page like day and shift didnt change but the report data does. Also i used the refresh on the web page and set it to 60 seconds so that once the user had the page up they didnt have to keep calling it to see the data. After discussing the issue with CD i found out the following and it works.
If you are running CR9 RAS as a service do the following:
Select Start
Regedit – to get to the registry. Then go down through the following folders.
Crystal Decisions
Report App
Under this folder (Server) find a key called PrintJobsCacheMaxDataAge(sec).
Click on it and change value from 1200 to 30.
Then close registry.
Then you have to stop and restart the Report Application Server by doing the Following.
Start – Settings – Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Services
And look for Report Application Server. Then Stop and Restart the Service. Now Current shift reports should update correctly.
If you are Running it as a process then the key would be in a different folder. Instead of being in the Server folder, it would be in a folder called InprocServer which is under Report App also. I hope this clarifies this problem for everybody else.
If you are running CR9 RAS as a service do the following:
Select Start
Regedit – to get to the registry. Then go down through the following folders.
Crystal Decisions
Report App
Under this folder (Server) find a key called PrintJobsCacheMaxDataAge(sec).
Click on it and change value from 1200 to 30.
Then close registry.
Then you have to stop and restart the Report Application Server by doing the Following.
Start – Settings – Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Services
And look for Report Application Server. Then Stop and Restart the Service. Now Current shift reports should update correctly.
If you are Running it as a process then the key would be in a different folder. Instead of being in the Server folder, it would be in a folder called InprocServer which is under Report App also. I hope this clarifies this problem for everybody else.