I set up a report to generate a bar graph which contains parameter fields, which then gets it's data from an Access database. While in Crystal reports if I press refresh data, it pops up asking for the parameter fields to be entered.
If I access the same report via the java applet over the web, it won't accept any default values I want to pass using prompt# as a URL or applet param field, when I press the refresh button it doesn't prompt for the values either, even though these are enabled in the applet.
Has anyone done this before and had it working?
If so HOW?
If I access the same report via the java applet over the web, it won't accept any default values I want to pass using prompt# as a URL or applet param field, when I press the refresh button it doesn't prompt for the values either, even though these are enabled in the applet.
Has anyone done this before and had it working?
If so HOW?