I need to eliminate duplicate data due to multiple dates when I run a report for actions that took place between 1/1/06 and 12/31/06. I am using an Access based database with multiple tables of which I am using 3 of the tables: 1) Equipment, 2) Event, and 3) History. Fields used in the report are from 1) Component ID, Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Description, & Location. 2) Interval, Number, & Due Date. 3) Date, & Due Date. Several Component IDs have multiple histories which causes all of the other associated data to repeat. What I want to do is use the last Date that was entered into the history to pull the rest of the data so that I only have one entry for Component ID but since there are 2 or more history dates it pulls the data for each history date. I am a novice at programming and could use some help. The current formula from the formula editor is as follows.
{Equipment.System ID} <> "CHEM" and
{Equipment.Status} in ["Active"] and
{History.Date} in Date (2006, 01, 01) to Date (2006, 12, 31) and
{Equipment.Component ID} like "??????"
Thanks in advance
{Equipment.System ID} <> "CHEM" and
{Equipment.Status} in ["Active"] and
{History.Date} in Date (2006, 01, 01) to Date (2006, 12, 31) and
{Equipment.Component ID} like "??????"
Thanks in advance