I just upgraded from CR 9 that comes with vs.net 2003. I use vb. Under CR 9 the following code worked:
1. rptBillofLadingRpt.OpenSubreport _("rptBillofLadingDetail.rpt").SetDataSource(DsOrderDetail1)
2. rptBillofLadingRpt.SetDataSource(DsOrderSelectbyOrderID1)
3. rptBillofLadingRpt.Refresh()
4. crv.ReportSource = rptBillofLadingRpt
The datasets are created and filled by me prior to these statements. Now, the subreport data is supressed, not the subreport (headings still print). If I comment out line #2 (the master record) the subreport data DOES print. I just can't get them to print at the same time.
This is extremely confusing as this worked fine in CR9 .net.
Any ideas? My whole application is broken because of this!
1. rptBillofLadingRpt.OpenSubreport _("rptBillofLadingDetail.rpt").SetDataSource(DsOrderDetail1)
2. rptBillofLadingRpt.SetDataSource(DsOrderSelectbyOrderID1)
3. rptBillofLadingRpt.Refresh()
4. crv.ReportSource = rptBillofLadingRpt
The datasets are created and filled by me prior to these statements. Now, the subreport data is supressed, not the subreport (headings still print). If I comment out line #2 (the master record) the subreport data DOES print. I just can't get them to print at the same time.
This is extremely confusing as this worked fine in CR9 .net.
Any ideas? My whole application is broken because of this!