Here goes.
Have a VB .NET application that we are in testing on. It uses a CR9 report and the activeX viewer for display. Installs and runs fine for a while. At some point down the road it starts throwing exceptions. At that point no matter what you do it won't display/print the report. Only fix so far is a reinstall of the application and dependencies.
Visible error is as follows.
Error in file <"rpt file location">. Failed to load database information.
Application logging throws these errors.
7/7/2004 11:59:34 AM --------------------------------------------------------------------
7/7/2004 11:59:34 AM Error in File c:\program files\chartnote\ChartNotePM.rpt:
Failed to load database information.
7/7/2004 11:59:34 AM CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.DataSourceException: Error in File c:\program files\chartnote\ChartNotePM.rpt:
Failed to load database information.
at .N(String -, EngineExceptionErrorID 0)
at .I(Int16 !, Int32 ")
at .H(Int16 )
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.FormatEngine.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
at ChartNotes.frmMain.mnuPrintDouble_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
7/7/2004 11:59:34 AM at .N(String -, EngineExceptionErrorID 0)
at .I(Int16 !, Int32 ")
at .H(Int16 )
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.FormatEngine.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
at ChartNotes.frmMain.mnuPrintDouble_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
7/7/2004 11:59:34 AM --------------------------------------------------------------------
So it looks like the engine is having some problems. No idea what is going on. Copying a fresh copy of the rpt file in the app directory doesn't help. Not listed in CR's KB. Believe me I looked.
So if any one has a solution for this problem you have no idea how appreciative I would be.
A really frustrated programmer
Have a VB .NET application that we are in testing on. It uses a CR9 report and the activeX viewer for display. Installs and runs fine for a while. At some point down the road it starts throwing exceptions. At that point no matter what you do it won't display/print the report. Only fix so far is a reinstall of the application and dependencies.
Visible error is as follows.
Error in file <"rpt file location">. Failed to load database information.
Application logging throws these errors.
7/7/2004 11:59:34 AM --------------------------------------------------------------------
7/7/2004 11:59:34 AM Error in File c:\program files\chartnote\ChartNotePM.rpt:
Failed to load database information.
7/7/2004 11:59:34 AM CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.DataSourceException: Error in File c:\program files\chartnote\ChartNotePM.rpt:
Failed to load database information.
at .N(String -, EngineExceptionErrorID 0)
at .I(Int16 !, Int32 ")
at .H(Int16 )
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.FormatEngine.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
at ChartNotes.frmMain.mnuPrintDouble_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
7/7/2004 11:59:34 AM at .N(String -, EngineExceptionErrorID 0)
at .I(Int16 !, Int32 ")
at .H(Int16 )
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.FormatEngine.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.PrintToPrinter(Int32 nCopies, Boolean collated, Int32 startPageN, Int32 endPageN)
at ChartNotes.frmMain.mnuPrintDouble_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
7/7/2004 11:59:34 AM --------------------------------------------------------------------
So it looks like the engine is having some problems. No idea what is going on. Copying a fresh copy of the rpt file in the app directory doesn't help. Not listed in CR's KB. Believe me I looked.
So if any one has a solution for this problem you have no idea how appreciative I would be.
A really frustrated programmer