This is the situation. I have to show the crystal reports in the browser using the java viewer(using ReportViewerBean.jar).
Reports: Crystal Reports 8.5 Developer Edition
Platform: Servlets,JSP
Database: SQLServer
Appserver/webServer:Tomcat or Websphere
From the JSP page, I have to get some values for the report parameters from the user and open the report(which is already created using CR8.5), set the Login details, set the parameter values for the main report and subreport, if there is any, export to PDF or.rpt and save in some folder on the server.
I would like to know if I want to use the ReportViewerBean, do I still need IIS and WCS or I can just use the ReportViewerBean.jar in Tomcat?
Or do I have to use the Java SDK and Report Application Server which come in CR 9.0 Adv Edition?
Reports: Crystal Reports 8.5 Developer Edition
Platform: Servlets,JSP
Database: SQLServer
Appserver/webServer:Tomcat or Websphere
From the JSP page, I have to get some values for the report parameters from the user and open the report(which is already created using CR8.5), set the Login details, set the parameter values for the main report and subreport, if there is any, export to PDF or.rpt and save in some folder on the server.
I would like to know if I want to use the ReportViewerBean, do I still need IIS and WCS or I can just use the ReportViewerBean.jar in Tomcat?
Or do I have to use the Java SDK and Report Application Server which come in CR 9.0 Adv Edition?