Currently supporting a large application (circa 6000 users) with 2 users experiencing this problem. They are using win 98 and i am have recreated it in Win ME.
VB6 uses "crystalRpt_i As CRAXDRT.Report" to create the report and CRViewer91 to view it.
It works on all other machines except these 2 98's and my me test machine.
I have debugged our code and its great until this piece of code fails
"numPages_i = crystalRpt_i.PrintingStatus.NumberOfPages"
and i get an "Overflow : 6" error.
I was looking at different ATL.DLL 98/NT versions and Crystal Report versions but im kinda stuck as to what to look for.
One other thing, it only happens once on my ME machine......if i keep the app open, it doesnt happen again. When i restart the app it happens once....then ok.
Could anyone offer any advice at all ?
Kindest Regards
Currently supporting a large application (circa 6000 users) with 2 users experiencing this problem. They are using win 98 and i am have recreated it in Win ME.
VB6 uses "crystalRpt_i As CRAXDRT.Report" to create the report and CRViewer91 to view it.
It works on all other machines except these 2 98's and my me test machine.
I have debugged our code and its great until this piece of code fails
"numPages_i = crystalRpt_i.PrintingStatus.NumberOfPages"
and i get an "Overflow : 6" error.
I was looking at different ATL.DLL 98/NT versions and Crystal Report versions but im kinda stuck as to what to look for.
One other thing, it only happens once on my ME machine......if i keep the app open, it doesnt happen again. When i restart the app it happens once....then ok.
Could anyone offer any advice at all ?
Kindest Regards