Good Morning
In CR 9 I have an age list of employees but don't want to include terminated employees so if I use this formula:
it does take out any employee with a termination date but it leaves out employees who have a termination date but were rehired and have an adjusted service date so I tried this:
If not isnull({ESYEMPLR.TERM_DATE})
and ({ESYEMPLR.TERM_DATE} < {ESYEMPLR.adj_service_date})then ({ESYEMPLR.adj_service_date})
but it keeps giving me an error that a boolean is required here. Can you help please? Thanks so much.
In CR 9 I have an age list of employees but don't want to include terminated employees so if I use this formula:
it does take out any employee with a termination date but it leaves out employees who have a termination date but were rehired and have an adjusted service date so I tried this:
If not isnull({ESYEMPLR.TERM_DATE})
and ({ESYEMPLR.TERM_DATE} < {ESYEMPLR.adj_service_date})then ({ESYEMPLR.adj_service_date})
but it keeps giving me an error that a boolean is required here. Can you help please? Thanks so much.