We use SQL Server 7.0.
I've been scouring these threads for a solution to our problem. Several of our reports won't run due to a "Failed to open rowset" error. The msg states, "Outer join operators cannot be specified in a query containing a joined tables." The original query in 8.5 did contain outer joins, but after opening in CR9 the sql is changed and is not correct. It does not contain any outer joins in CR9. As an experiment, I went into the Database Expert Links tab and reset the joins making them equal joins. Still, I get this message about "Outer join operators". I tried using the Add Command object, but I have not had any success getting this to work. When I try to replace the main table with a Command object in Set DataSource Location, I paste in the SQL, click OK, and nothing has changed. This report has a main body and two subreports -- My knowledge of Crystal is limited, so forgive my lack of correct term usage. When we went from 8.0 to 8.5, we didn't have these types of issues.
I read some threads about changing the registry to fix this. Is this the only way?
We use SQL Server 7.0.
I've been scouring these threads for a solution to our problem. Several of our reports won't run due to a "Failed to open rowset" error. The msg states, "Outer join operators cannot be specified in a query containing a joined tables." The original query in 8.5 did contain outer joins, but after opening in CR9 the sql is changed and is not correct. It does not contain any outer joins in CR9. As an experiment, I went into the Database Expert Links tab and reset the joins making them equal joins. Still, I get this message about "Outer join operators". I tried using the Add Command object, but I have not had any success getting this to work. When I try to replace the main table with a Command object in Set DataSource Location, I paste in the SQL, click OK, and nothing has changed. This report has a main body and two subreports -- My knowledge of Crystal is limited, so forgive my lack of correct term usage. When we went from 8.0 to 8.5, we didn't have these types of issues.
I read some threads about changing the registry to fix this. Is this the only way?