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CPU temp

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Aug 9, 2007

I have a FX-55 AMD and it is starting to run around 70 degrees when I am running my pc with graphics.

This seems rather hot to me, does this mean its on itsway out?

Is it an exceptable temereture? can it damage my motherboeard?

any advice would be greatfully received!

70 what - F or C ?

I'll assume C

Getting too hot for comfort I'd say - But the solution is probably simple.

Power off and disconnect the mains. Open the case and clean inside. It's probably caked with fluff and dirt. Take especial care around the CPU heat sink & fan. You may need to remove the fan temporarily to clean the heat sink. Don't forget to clean the air holes that let air in!

My preferred method of cleaning is to use a soft 1/2 inch paint brush and hold a vacuum nozzle nearby to scoop up the dirt.

[navy]When I married "Miss Right" I didn't realise her first name was 'always'. LOL[/navy]
Thanks for your advice the old fan was fairly dirty.

But when I noticed the tempereture was high before, I assumed it was the fan, so I purchased a newer better one.

But now it starts with very hot temeratures imediatly so I have tried the chip and the heatsink in another pc with a different make board and the temp stayes around 40, which is good.

So I think what the problem with the other pc is that the contact is not good on betwwen the new heatsink and the cpu.

Is there a way of getting it closer, I suppose putting on more silicon won't make that much difference?

I would recommend either a heat pad - or arctic silver. Both the CPU and the bottom of the heatsink must be perfectly clean - so all old thermal paste/pad remains must be removed.

Some people polish the bottom of the heat sink to a mirror finish to improve thermal transfer.

Maybe the other board was mis-reporting the temperature?

But 40C is very good.

[navy]When I married "Miss Right" I didn't realise her first name was 'always'. LOL[/navy]
I certainly agree that a metal particle paste such as Arctic Silver is advisable but this does sound like a "reporting issue"
Innacurate temperature reporting is a common problem and is very often rectified by updating the motherboards bios.

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Thanks for your responses, I tried to get a better contact and now it is better.

In windows it runs at around 40-45 but then when I run a game it goes up to 75!

But the wierd thing is when I put it in the other system with the same new fan or even the old one, the windows temp is the same around 40, but the gaming temp only goes to 55 which is fine!

Here are the systems,

Heating up to 75 system
Abit AV8 - 2GB Generic Samsung DDR 400 Dual Channel - 2 x HDD on Raid 0 - and a 256mb Geforce Gcard

Other system
Gigabyte GA-K8NF-9 - 1GB Corsair DDR 400 Dual Channel - 80GB HDD - and a 256MG ATI Gcard

I am listing the systems because is there a difference in the system load to make the cpu heat up or is it a motherboard issue and maybe updating the bios like paparazi said might resolve the issue???
It is difficult to say but both systems don't look that different.
One other thing to consider is "heating up" as in, have you got enought throughput of cool air in the hotter setup.
Is the turnover of air too slow allowing the air to "heat up" too much.
With all "air cooled" solutions, CPU temp is directly effected by the temperature of air being blown on to it ie: the best cooler can appear NOT to be working correctly if all it has to work with is warm/heated air to blow onto the heatsink, a bit of a catch 29 senario.

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Thanks for your excellent advice.

I flashed the BIOS like you said, and the temperature has come right down now to just above 20 for running windows, but still runs up to about 58 when gaming which is still a bit too hot for my liking but much better than before.

But thanks for your suggestions, I have never thought of updateing the bios, thats the thing with IT you really do learn something new every day!

Thanks again!
Are the motherboards even measuring the same thing? Some boards have probes beneath the CPU socket, others don't. Not so long ago AMD CPUs didn't have the capability to report their internal temperature, so you had to go by the sensor beneath the CPU, which is actually lower than the temp in the CPU cores. It's possible that you're looking at two different readings from two different locations.

Or it could be that one of them is reporting incorrectly.
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