There is no keycode for CCR.
It seems like your very confused about your current set up their.
Do you have this CICS and CP100 implimented on site?
Are you in charge/responsible for its configuration?
Did you purchase this product off a vendor? If so why haven't they installed this service/equiptment/solution for your company.
Are you just playing around w/this product? I would recommend investing in Nortel Training to get up to speed.
A lot to know on these products...the questions your asking can easily be answered within the documentation and training.
A good vendor can be worth their weight in gold. Having your system configured by a proffesional will go a long way toward making sure you are satisfied with the system, rather than confused and frustrated.
CICS AA/CCR isn't voicemail
People have CP100's/Flash etc when they have multiple extensions requiring personalized mailboxes and greetings.
The CP allows you to create choices for your callers on an automated set up. Thats just the tip of the iceburg.
There is all types of docs on the net describing CP100..just do a google search.
As far as CallCentre its in addition to your Automated System within your call enable this w/a keycode and set it up so you can have a caller prompt through your CCR and then put in a que type enviornment where customers are put in priority sequence etc...also you can find this info on
You can have a Telco vm box but as you said..its one you really want to have a customer leaving a message for multiple people in your company in one mailbox?
You already own a CP100???
The CCR/AA in the CICS does not have any mailboxes, yes you could get a vmbox from telco but their vmboxes work off of your lines not your extensions. The CCR/AA transfers to your internal extension numbers not your lines, make sense? You'd be better off spending a little cash now to get your system working right with a vendor and not being frustrated.
Business Open:
When a call came in, the system answer without notifying anybody and give options to select: 1=Sales 2=CS 3=... if know extension dials now.
When the users press 1, Phone 1,2 sound at the same time. If the 2 busy or not answering return to queue. If in queue more than 2 minutes, send the call to a Telco voicemail service.
Business Close:
When a call came in, the system answer without notifying anybody and gives option to select a DN. if not selection transfer call to Telco voicemail service.
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