Hi - can anyone help? I am trying to produce a report showing various record counts from my DB.
Each record in my table is a Client.
Table name: client_table
Field names:
ClientID (PK)
HighQlevel (has 9 possible text values... none, level1, level2, level3, level4..etc...)
Gender - male/female
BME - yes/no
Disab - y/n
LoneP - y/n
HomeL - y/n
Crim - y/n
Refugee - y/n
Asylum - y/n
What I need is to get a total count of the number of records for each field at each HighQlevel, where:
Gender = female
BME = yes
Disab = yes
..etc etc
I need to see zero counts too, for example, if there are Zero females at HighQlevel = level1, I want to see a count of 0.
I'm trying to produce a resulting table such as this:
that I want to show on a MS Access Report....
How oh how?
Each record in my table is a Client.
Table name: client_table
Field names:
ClientID (PK)
HighQlevel (has 9 possible text values... none, level1, level2, level3, level4..etc...)
Gender - male/female
BME - yes/no
Disab - y/n
LoneP - y/n
HomeL - y/n
Crim - y/n
Refugee - y/n
Asylum - y/n
What I need is to get a total count of the number of records for each field at each HighQlevel, where:
Gender = female
BME = yes
Disab = yes
..etc etc
I need to see zero counts too, for example, if there are Zero females at HighQlevel = level1, I want to see a count of 0.
I'm trying to produce a resulting table such as this:
that I want to show on a MS Access Report....
How oh how?