I'm working on the optimisation of - we sell accounting software.
When checking overture ( ) for search phrases "accounting software" had been searched for almost 25,000 times in August. However this is an international count.
We are targetting New Zealand and Australia markets, but in Overture no-one searched for "new zealand accounting software" and only 49 searches were done for "austrlia accounting software".
My question is . . . if someone in New Zealand does a search in Google using "accounting software" would New Zealand sites get ranked higher than other international sites ?
So far I have found nothing to confirm this and I suspect it isn't the case but thought it worth asking.
When checking overture ( ) for search phrases "accounting software" had been searched for almost 25,000 times in August. However this is an international count.
We are targetting New Zealand and Australia markets, but in Overture no-one searched for "new zealand accounting software" and only 49 searches were done for "austrlia accounting software".
My question is . . . if someone in New Zealand does a search in Google using "accounting software" would New Zealand sites get ranked higher than other international sites ?
So far I have found nothing to confirm this and I suspect it isn't the case but thought it worth asking.