I have a report that I am trying to use to receive total charges on NitricGas that we use. The patient can only be charged a max of $12,000.00 within a 30 day period. They may have a $9,750.00 charge on one day and a $10,625.00 charge on another day within that 30 day limit but in my report I only want to see their name once and the total of their charges but not to exceed the $12,000.00 limit no matter how much they are charged. Is this possible?
I use Crystal 8.5, my report has a stardateand time field and enddateand time field, Patient's Name and total charges field with a grand total of all charges at the end of the report. My parmeter is set to do monthly reports for example from 06/01/04 to 06/30/04.
I use Crystal 8.5, my report has a stardateand time field and enddateand time field, Patient's Name and total charges field with a grand total of all charges at the end of the report. My parmeter is set to do monthly reports for example from 06/01/04 to 06/30/04.