I have one table with an aleatory number of rows. Each row have, for exemple, two columns in witch I have created, with a loop, one checkbox for each column (the ID for each checkbox is assigned with the for... next cycle).
So, the final result is something like this:
Columnn1 Column2
Line1 checkbox(ID=11) checkbox(ID=21)
Line2 checkbox(ID=12) checkbox(ID=22)
..... ............... ...............
Total: (nº of checked checkebox) (nº of checked checkebox)
What I need is to be able to count the number of checked checkboxs that the user have selected, and put the total at the final of each column. Note that I don´t know how many checkedboxes I will have... that´s way the Id of each of them is assign with a for cycle...
How can I make this?
Thank you in advance
Ps: For instance, is this possible to manage with the "getTableByTagName, or any other method of the table object? Where can I find good information about the methods of this object?
I have one table with an aleatory number of rows. Each row have, for exemple, two columns in witch I have created, with a loop, one checkbox for each column (the ID for each checkbox is assigned with the for... next cycle).
So, the final result is something like this:
Columnn1 Column2
Line1 checkbox(ID=11) checkbox(ID=21)
Line2 checkbox(ID=12) checkbox(ID=22)
..... ............... ...............
Total: (nº of checked checkebox) (nº of checked checkebox)
What I need is to be able to count the number of checked checkboxs that the user have selected, and put the total at the final of each column. Note that I don´t know how many checkedboxes I will have... that´s way the Id of each of them is assign with a for cycle...
How can I make this?
Thank you in advance
Ps: For instance, is this possible to manage with the "getTableByTagName, or any other method of the table object? Where can I find good information about the methods of this object?