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Counting Bits

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Sep 12, 2002
Now I'm faced with the challenge of couting the number of 1's in a 32-bit word. I can only use the ! ~ & ^ | + << >> operators. I can't use any control statements. This one is really tough. Anyone got any ideas?
xwb: SSJ2Joseph implicit said NO.
SSJ2Joseph: is this a test||joke ?? ------------ jamisar
Einfachheit ist das Resultat der Reife. (Friedrich Schiller)
Simplicity is the fruit of maturity.
no control? my solution would be something like
unsigned int foo = ???;
int bits = 0;

bits = (foo & 0x00000001) + ((foo & 0x00000002) >> 1) +
((foo & 0x00000004) >> 2) + ((foo & 0x00000008) >> 3) +
((foo & 0x00000010) >> 4) + ((foo & 0x00000020) >> 5) +

printf(&quot;There are %d 1's in %d&quot;, bits, foo);
The lack of control makes things ugly anybody got anything better?

&quot;There are no stupid questions, just lots of inquisitive idiots&quot; - anon

int count = 0;
for(int i = 0;i<sizeof(value)*8;i++)
if(value & 1<<i)


Zyrenthian: did you already considere to buy optical equipment ??

rotovegasBoy: can you spend few words about you are doing ?


------------ jamisar
Einfachheit ist das Resultat der Reife. (Friedrich Schiller)
Simplicity is the fruit of maturity.
Basically, that is the gist of figuring out how many bits that are set to one. The other approach, if you cant loop would be to make a struct using bit fields or write the loop out line by line.

Example of bit fields. Please note that this MAY be in reverse order depending on Endianism.

struct binStruct
unsigned bit0: 1;
unsigned bit1: 1;
unsigned bit31: 1;

binStruct s;

(int)s = value;

add up all the bits i.e.

int totalOnes = s.bit0+s.bit1+...+s.bit31;

The last approach i can think of would use the modulus operator and right shifting.

count += value%2 + (value>>1)%2... + (value>>31)%2

but I did not see that as an option above.


My code works by masking a particular bit and then shifting it so it has a value of 1 or 0. for example 16 is 10000 in binary so we mask this with 0x10(16) then shift this to the left 4 bits so 16 becomes 1. this works for any number with that bit set. with control statements my code becomes
unsigned int foo;
int mask = 0x00000001;
int bit;
int bitcount = 0;
for(bit = 0; bit < 32; bit++)
bitcount += foo & mask >> bit;
mask = mask * 2;
[/tt] &quot;There are no stupid questions, just lots of inquisitive idiots&quot; - anon
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