Using Crystal Reports 8.5.....
I have a counter that counts two items within a Grouping. My initialization formula is:
Shared Numbervar PGCount;
Shared Numbervar CGCount;
PGCount := 0;
CGCount := 0;
I have placed that in the header of Group 2 suppressed and as long as the Group 2 listing does not go to the next page, my totals are accurate. However if the Group continues onto another page, my counts are reset. Is there another way to do this or another place to put my counter??
My counting formula is:
Shared Numbervar CGCount;
Shared Numbervar PGCount;
if {@Pending} = "Pending" then PGCount := PGCount + 1 else CGCount := CGCount + 1
I have a counter that counts two items within a Grouping. My initialization formula is:
Shared Numbervar PGCount;
Shared Numbervar CGCount;
PGCount := 0;
CGCount := 0;
I have placed that in the header of Group 2 suppressed and as long as the Group 2 listing does not go to the next page, my totals are accurate. However if the Group continues onto another page, my counts are reset. Is there another way to do this or another place to put my counter??
My counting formula is:
Shared Numbervar CGCount;
Shared Numbervar PGCount;
if {@Pending} = "Pending" then PGCount := PGCount + 1 else CGCount := CGCount + 1