I have stumbled upon a problem with my sql. What is need to do is to count the number of each different entry in a column called x_kontakt. The statement I tried to use was:
SELECT x_kontakt, aar, COUNT(*) AS ant
FROM statview
WHERE (aar = 2007)
GROUP BY x_kontakt, aar
This gives me an error that states that the text datatype cannot be compard unless useing IS NULL og LIKE operator.
The column x_kontakt is of type (text,null)
If I had only made it a varchar instead this would not been a problem. But that is too late now.
Hope some of you guys have a solution to my problem.
I have stumbled upon a problem with my sql. What is need to do is to count the number of each different entry in a column called x_kontakt. The statement I tried to use was:
SELECT x_kontakt, aar, COUNT(*) AS ant
FROM statview
WHERE (aar = 2007)
GROUP BY x_kontakt, aar
This gives me an error that states that the text datatype cannot be compard unless useing IS NULL og LIKE operator.
The column x_kontakt is of type (text,null)
If I had only made it a varchar instead this would not been a problem. But that is too late now.
Hope some of you guys have a solution to my problem.