I have the following output
Region State Location Number of Calls
002 IL 00201E 1
00203A 1
002064 2
002078 4
00207F 1
00209A 2
MN 00210B 1
00214C 2
00217C 1
0022C1 3
002301 3
WI 0020D9 1
0020F0 1
0023BC 2
What I would like is this below, basical a total of the number of calls and a count of the number of locations.
Region State Location Number of Calls
002 IL 00201E 1
00203A 1
002064 2
002078 4
00207F 1
00209A 2
6 11
MN 00210B 1
00214C 2
00217C 1
0022C1 3
002301 3
5 10
WI 0020D9 1
0020F0 1
0023BC 2
3 4
Is this at all possible?
My code is like this
COUNT * AS 'Number of Calls'
BY AGA_ROLOC AS 'Location'
I have the following output
Region State Location Number of Calls
002 IL 00201E 1
00203A 1
002064 2
002078 4
00207F 1
00209A 2
MN 00210B 1
00214C 2
00217C 1
0022C1 3
002301 3
WI 0020D9 1
0020F0 1
0023BC 2
What I would like is this below, basical a total of the number of calls and a count of the number of locations.
Region State Location Number of Calls
002 IL 00201E 1
00203A 1
002064 2
002078 4
00207F 1
00209A 2
6 11
MN 00210B 1
00214C 2
00217C 1
0022C1 3
002301 3
5 10
WI 0020D9 1
0020F0 1
0023BC 2
3 4
Is this at all possible?
My code is like this
COUNT * AS 'Number of Calls'
BY AGA_ROLOC AS 'Location'