Hi all,
I have created queries (50+) to capture below information and these information is in one single table. Only thing different is column name. I used query option, because I have not figured it out different way.
SELECT Sum(Abs([RN1]="Yes")) AS Yes, Round(Sum(Abs([RN1]="Yes"))/(Sum(Abs([RN1]="Yes"))+Sum(Abs([RN1]="No")))*100,2) AS Yes_P, Sum(Abs([RN1]="No")) AS [No], Round(Sum(Abs([RN1]="No"))/(Sum(Abs([RN1]="Yes"))+Sum(Abs([RN1]="No")))*100,2) AS No_P, Sum(Abs([RN1]="N/A")) AS [N/A], Round(Sum(Abs([RN1]="N/A"))/(Sum(Abs([RN1]="Yes"))+Sum(Abs([RN1]="No"))+Sum(Abs([RN1]="N/A")))*100,2) AS [N/A_P]
FROM TempMedRecRvwData;
What I would like to do is put all 50+ queries to one single reports (if not 2 reports) in Detail section of Reports. I tried subreports but I don't like the way it appears in my reports.
I wonder what other options are available. I tried text box controls option but I wasn't able to figure it out in Detail section of reports.
What I like see in my reports is:
Question# RN1: Yes, Yes%, No, No%, N/A, N/A%
11, 31.43, 24, 69, 2, 5.4
Question# RN2: Yes, Yes%, No, No%, N/A, N/A%
5, 50, 5, 50, 1, 9.09
Thank you for your help in advance.
I have created queries (50+) to capture below information and these information is in one single table. Only thing different is column name. I used query option, because I have not figured it out different way.
SELECT Sum(Abs([RN1]="Yes")) AS Yes, Round(Sum(Abs([RN1]="Yes"))/(Sum(Abs([RN1]="Yes"))+Sum(Abs([RN1]="No")))*100,2) AS Yes_P, Sum(Abs([RN1]="No")) AS [No], Round(Sum(Abs([RN1]="No"))/(Sum(Abs([RN1]="Yes"))+Sum(Abs([RN1]="No")))*100,2) AS No_P, Sum(Abs([RN1]="N/A")) AS [N/A], Round(Sum(Abs([RN1]="N/A"))/(Sum(Abs([RN1]="Yes"))+Sum(Abs([RN1]="No"))+Sum(Abs([RN1]="N/A")))*100,2) AS [N/A_P]
FROM TempMedRecRvwData;
What I would like to do is put all 50+ queries to one single reports (if not 2 reports) in Detail section of Reports. I tried subreports but I don't like the way it appears in my reports.
I wonder what other options are available. I tried text box controls option but I wasn't able to figure it out in Detail section of reports.
What I like see in my reports is:
Question# RN1: Yes, Yes%, No, No%, N/A, N/A%
11, 31.43, 24, 69, 2, 5.4
Question# RN2: Yes, Yes%, No, No%, N/A, N/A%
5, 50, 5, 50, 1, 9.09
Thank you for your help in advance.