I've a report for the helpdesk. It's printing the the database fields: call id's, startdate and enddate, also the formulafield 'days total', this is the enddate - startdate in days. I use only a customergroup.
The calls can have different status. Because the log files of the calls in the database structure, it is necessary to put this fields in the footer of the group to get the MAX(changid), see thread767-1616747. There is also a filter on the status.
Now I need by each group the average of the formule field 'days total'. I can't do this with the function summary or running totals, because they als count the 'hidden' fields.
How can I tackle this issue?
I've group the calls on the customer and it all works.I created also a formule which count the days that a call is open, something like (start day - current day).All those fields are placed in the footer and, and because the different select statements, a lot aff field are not shown.Now I need to now the average of open days. I've tried running totals and the summary functions, but it seems to me that each time also the 'hidden' fiels are used in the formula. Of course I only want to now the avarege from the values which are printed in the report. How can I do this?
I've a report for the helpdesk. It's printing the the database fields: call id's, startdate and enddate, also the formulafield 'days total', this is the enddate - startdate in days. I use only a customergroup.
The calls can have different status. Because the log files of the calls in the database structure, it is necessary to put this fields in the footer of the group to get the MAX(changid), see thread767-1616747. There is also a filter on the status.
Now I need by each group the average of the formule field 'days total'. I can't do this with the function summary or running totals, because they als count the 'hidden' fields.
How can I tackle this issue?
I've group the calls on the customer and it all works.I created also a formule which count the days that a call is open, something like (start day - current day).All those fields are placed in the footer and, and because the different select statements, a lot aff field are not shown.Now I need to now the average of open days. I've tried running totals and the summary functions, but it seems to me that each time also the 'hidden' fiels are used in the formula. Of course I only want to now the avarege from the values which are printed in the report. How can I do this?