I’m working on a query that will count all the 9,8,7 that fall between the expiration date
Count all the 9’s in field1
Count all the 8’s in field1
Count all the 7’s in field1
Count all the 6’s in field1
That fall between #01/01/10# and #01/31/10# “Jan”
That fall between #02/01/10# and #02/31/10# “Feb”
That fall between #03/01/10# and #03/31/10# “March”
I think it would look something like this, but I cant get it to work:
So it would look something like this
5 / 8/ 10
Thanks for taking the time to help me learn TCB
Count all the 9’s in field1
Count all the 8’s in field1
Count all the 7’s in field1
Count all the 6’s in field1
That fall between #01/01/10# and #01/31/10# “Jan”
That fall between #02/01/10# and #02/31/10# “Feb”
That fall between #03/01/10# and #03/31/10# “March”
I think it would look something like this, but I cant get it to work:
JanApps: Sum(IIf([Expiration_date] Between #1/1/2010# And #1/31/2010#,Count[field1]=9,0))
So it would look something like this
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