I have been trying to connect to a client's server using Telnet. When I try to connect I get this message:
Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect
failed. Can someone please tell me how I can get passed that message? Thanks in advance.
Chances are there's a firewall in the way somewhere. Or they're not running telnet on that server.
"We must fall back upon the old axiom that when all other contingencies fail, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes
Run a port scan with their permission to see what ports are open, then telnet to one of those ports. If port 22 is open, then you can SSH. Is this a Windows server? If so, you need to start the Telnet Server and Telnet Client services in Control Panel--->Administrative Services--->Services, or Start--->Administrative Services--->Services, depending on what OS. If it's OpenVMS, telnet should be open. HP-UX, look in SAM. Solaris, I think you have to vi a file and pound (comment) out root for FTP and telnet access, the "excluded access" section, as root is by default excluded (can't remember the file---somewhere in /etc/ftpusers, I believe). AIX/IRIX, you're on your own...lol
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