Here is my code for establishing an ADODB connection from a word document
When I use this code here
rsPrograms.Open strSql, connMain, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
I get the error
"Could not find installable ISAM"
I believe the code is fine, because it works on 9 out of 10 computers running the same word document. The computers are all windows XP and office 2007.
Here is a pretty painful thread on the subject
But this confused my more than answer anything.
This talks about registry settings, but does not address ACE
Anyone have any experience with this?
Also it used to work on my computer, but no longer.
Public connMain As ADODB.Connection
Public Function EstablishConnection(strDBName As String)
' Purpose: Open ADO Connection
' Assumptions: Called from Sub Main
' Effects: N/A
' Inputs: strDBName - String containing the file path
' to the database
' Returns: N/A
On Error GoTo errlbl
Set connMain = New ADODB.Connection
With connMain
.CommandTimeout = 15
.ConnectionTimeout = 15
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
.Open strDBName
End With
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End Function
When I use this code here
rsPrograms.Open strSql, connMain, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
I get the error
"Could not find installable ISAM"
I believe the code is fine, because it works on 9 out of 10 computers running the same word document. The computers are all windows XP and office 2007.
Here is a pretty painful thread on the subject
But this confused my more than answer anything.
This talks about registry settings, but does not address ACE
Anyone have any experience with this?
Also it used to work on my computer, but no longer.