Hi all
Hoping someone may be able to help me out as I'm stumped with this one...
I have a 'hosted' MS SQL Server (meaning I can't access the DB directly in Management Studio, I use RazorSQL and/or MyLittleAdmin). There is a size restriction on the DB of 2GB - currently my DB stands at 1500 MB.
I have an import routine which simply dumps around 640k rows into an "import" table for the rest of the routine to manipulate before truncating the table for the next import. It is whilst I'm importing this table I'm getting the error:
Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.PK__XX_Imp__xxxxxxxx' in database 'MyDB' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.
Now, the weird thing is that the XX_Import table is actually one of the smaller tables really and there are History tables that take up much more space.
Here's the breakdown of table XX_Import:
ImportRowID (PK) int Not Null
10 x INT fields
2 x BIGINT fields (required as numeric data for these columns is often greater than 4bn)
2 x VARCHAR(40)
1 x VARCHAR(50)
1 x VARCHAR(140)
PK__XX_Imp__xxxxxxxx (ImportRowID, UNIQUE)
PK__XX_Imp__xxxxxxxx (PRIMARY KEY)
SPACE USED (sp_spaceused):
Rows: 108600 (this is where it stops out of the 640000)
Reserved: 9224 KB
Data: 9184 KB
Index_Size: 40 KB
Unused: 0 KB
I've tried recreating the table (and index) from scratch and dropping the old one. Same outcome.
So basically I need to know how to increase the allowed size for this table/index (through script and bearing in mind my access is completely locked down) or if this really is a disk-size restriction is there a way of reducing the size of my table...?
Any help or advice appreciated but please try to keep it simple as I'm fairly new to SQL Server Configuration!
Hoping someone may be able to help me out as I'm stumped with this one...
I have a 'hosted' MS SQL Server (meaning I can't access the DB directly in Management Studio, I use RazorSQL and/or MyLittleAdmin). There is a size restriction on the DB of 2GB - currently my DB stands at 1500 MB.
I have an import routine which simply dumps around 640k rows into an "import" table for the rest of the routine to manipulate before truncating the table for the next import. It is whilst I'm importing this table I'm getting the error:
Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.PK__XX_Imp__xxxxxxxx' in database 'MyDB' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.
Now, the weird thing is that the XX_Import table is actually one of the smaller tables really and there are History tables that take up much more space.
Here's the breakdown of table XX_Import:
ImportRowID (PK) int Not Null
10 x INT fields
2 x BIGINT fields (required as numeric data for these columns is often greater than 4bn)
2 x VARCHAR(40)
1 x VARCHAR(50)
1 x VARCHAR(140)
PK__XX_Imp__xxxxxxxx (ImportRowID, UNIQUE)
PK__XX_Imp__xxxxxxxx (PRIMARY KEY)
SPACE USED (sp_spaceused):
Rows: 108600 (this is where it stops out of the 640000)
Reserved: 9224 KB
Data: 9184 KB
Index_Size: 40 KB
Unused: 0 KB
I've tried recreating the table (and index) from scratch and dropping the old one. Same outcome.
So basically I need to know how to increase the allowed size for this table/index (through script and bearing in mind my access is completely locked down) or if this really is a disk-size restriction is there a way of reducing the size of my table...?
Any help or advice appreciated but please try to keep it simple as I'm fairly new to SQL Server Configuration!