I need to change the company name that appears whenever an internal TN places an external call. There are 14 COTs routed together to handle the traffic - I am not finding any options to change their names either on individual TNs nor in LD 21 for the RDB. I have an SL1 upgraded to Meridian 1 Option 61C Release 24 - using Octel Aria 3.0 for voicemail.
Is this something I can change or is it the responsibility of the local carrier? I've also changed the configuration of our voicemail server to reflect the new company name but haven't had a chance to test it yet.
I need to change the company name that appears whenever an internal TN places an external call. There are 14 COTs routed together to handle the traffic - I am not finding any options to change their names either on individual TNs nor in LD 21 for the RDB. I have an SL1 upgraded to Meridian 1 Option 61C Release 24 - using Octel Aria 3.0 for voicemail.
Is this something I can change or is it the responsibility of the local carrier? I've also changed the configuration of our voicemail server to reflect the new company name but haven't had a chance to test it yet.