This has been an ongoing problem for me for years. And I just today got hit again, fortunately for the first time in months.
During developement using FP2.6, if I fail to immediately close the .PJX window after building the application and before testing the application the .PJX file can be corrupted. This happens only if there is some sort of an error in the application, never when the app runs correctly. And never when the PJX window is already closed.
Obviously, the PJX file is being corrupted because the modified PJX file is not being saved until the PJX window is closed. And when there is an error in the app, the PJX file either doesn't get saved with the modifications, or it is getting saved with corrupted modifications. Either way, when that happens, it takes me a long time to get the PJX file working again.
My questions are:
1) Is there any way, short of trying to remember to close the PJX window after every build, to automatically circumvent this problem? Closing the PJX window dozens of times per day and reopening it every time to modify the app is a royal pain, and is easily forgotten at the worst possible times.
2) If not, is there any simple way of recovering from corruptions that will sooner or later occur?
Currently, I periodically save the whole project, including the PJX file to another disk. Then when I need to recover, reload the saved PJX and PJT files, and use them as the base to continue building the app. Unfortunately, added/modified/deleted files in the corrupted PJX file are not in the saved file, so it sometimes takes me hours to bring the saved PJX file up to speed and working properly before I can pick up where I left off in the developement of the app.
"Political correctness is the BADGE of a COWARD!"
During developement using FP2.6, if I fail to immediately close the .PJX window after building the application and before testing the application the .PJX file can be corrupted. This happens only if there is some sort of an error in the application, never when the app runs correctly. And never when the PJX window is already closed.
Obviously, the PJX file is being corrupted because the modified PJX file is not being saved until the PJX window is closed. And when there is an error in the app, the PJX file either doesn't get saved with the modifications, or it is getting saved with corrupted modifications. Either way, when that happens, it takes me a long time to get the PJX file working again.
My questions are:
1) Is there any way, short of trying to remember to close the PJX window after every build, to automatically circumvent this problem? Closing the PJX window dozens of times per day and reopening it every time to modify the app is a royal pain, and is easily forgotten at the worst possible times.
2) If not, is there any simple way of recovering from corruptions that will sooner or later occur?
Currently, I periodically save the whole project, including the PJX file to another disk. Then when I need to recover, reload the saved PJX and PJT files, and use them as the base to continue building the app. Unfortunately, added/modified/deleted files in the corrupted PJX file are not in the saved file, so it sometimes takes me hours to bring the saved PJX file up to speed and working properly before I can pick up where I left off in the developement of the app.
"Political correctness is the BADGE of a COWARD!"