Yesterday, my computer froze. So I pressed restart button. After reboot computer couldn't boot windows. It would just show me the starting picture of windows on the black background with the moving blue progress bar. Nothing would happen after that. Bios works fine and it shows my hard drive and all other components. SO I went to reinstall windows. For some reason it didn't show me windows repair feature so I decided to format my disk c and install a new version. But it didn't work, after getting a couple percent it showed me an error saying that it can't install windows on that partition.
I'm stuck right now. I know there are file recovery software, but they work from the functioning windows and I can't even get in there. I'm still confused whether the problem is in the hard drive, because it shows up on the bios.
What can be a problem?
Thanks for the help!
I'm stuck right now. I know there are file recovery software, but they work from the functioning windows and I can't even get in there. I'm still confused whether the problem is in the hard drive, because it shows up on the bios.
What can be a problem?
Thanks for the help!