I've recently upgraded an Access97 database into AccessXP. Since then, I've had corrupted records every few days. When looking at the table; The first time, the record contained foreign characters. The second time, every field had a #error in it. This time, I couldnt view the table. Got an invalid Arguement when I tried to view, export, etc.. After kicking everyone out then deleting the LDB file, did a compact/Repair which then put a record to all ##### which I was able to delete. I had to delete the LDB file as there was a hook on the LDB from <machine name>\\SMSCliSvcAcct Usually, I see <DomainName>\<userLogon>
I am trying to appeal to the users with help on noticing anything unusual. I am at a loss with things to try to prevent this. Has anyone else experienced issues like this? Should I make a new MDB and copy all objects over?
I am trying to appeal to the users with help on noticing anything unusual. I am at a loss with things to try to prevent this. Has anyone else experienced issues like this? Should I make a new MDB and copy all objects over?