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Corrupt .EXE when Copy

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May 15, 2001
Hi. I have one very strange problem at one of my client place and I don't know if it's a Fox or a network problem.

I have one file called C_MAIN.EXE (VFP 9.0 Sp1) that I put in a .ZIP file. If I unzip the file on the C:\ drive of the client, the C_MAIN.EXE work perfectly. If I do the same thing on the network (copy the .zip file on I:\ drive and unzip), it's also working fine. But, if I copy the C_MAIN.EXE from I:\ drive to C:\ drive, I receive the message "C_MAIN.EXE is not a Visual Foxpro .EXE file"

Any idea ?

Thanks in advance.

Where's your code that does the copy? Is this a copy inside fox? If it's not then it is NOT a Fox problem...

Best Regards,

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, and no simpler."[hammer]

I though it was a Fox problem, because it begin with one of my program where I have to copy one file (compiled VFP EXE)from the network onto a workstation ;

copy file i:\apps\c_main.exe to c:\apps\c_main.exe

The destination became corrupted. But now, even if I try to copy c_main.exe within Explorer, it still corrupting the .EXE It'S strange, because it does that only for VFP compiled EXE, not for other EXE (ex. winzip.exe).


Are you trying to copy over a running exe? That'll corrupt it for sure.
I'm using a program (sysVerif.EXE) to copy the other program (C_Main.EXE). But then, even if I don't use any program and I try to copy the C_Main.exe by hand, it corrupt the file.

The reason I think it's a fox problem is that when I try to run the corrupted .EXE from the network drive, it prompt me a window asking to find one FXP program.

At this point, I have to look if it's a virus or something else. It buggin me because, all other .EXE (even some FPW 2,6 .EXE) are OK.


Do you have the right .FLL's? And now you are mentioning an error... are you sure it is a file corruption, and not the case of a missing support file on the destination PC???

Best Regards,

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, and no simpler."[hammer]
I reinstall the whole package twice on the client PC. If there was a support file missing, it should not work at all. But C_Main.EXE is working locally, until I take one (exactly the same) C_Main.EXE from the network, and copy it to the C: drive. It then get corrupted

Thanks for your advices.




I think Scott is right. From the way you've described it, it really does look like a missing support file. You said if a support file is missing, it wouldn't work at all, but isn't that exactly what's happening?

What happens if you take the apparently-corruped EXE and copy it back to the machine where it was working OK? If it continues to work, then the EXE can't have been corrupted.


Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)

My Visual FoxPro site: www.ml-consult.co.uk

What happens if you take the apparently-corruped EXE and copy it back to the machine where it was working OK?

Mike, I did exactly what you describe, and it still does not work. In fact, I took one C_Main.EXE that is working fine on a client station, copy it to the network drive, and put it back to the station, and boum! It's not a visual foxpro .EXE file anymore !

As for the supporting files, I tried to install two different package (build with InstallShield), and I still have the same problem. I also try to put an other .EXE file (test.EXE), very simple program (messagebox("Hi")) and I have the same situation.

Now, the next step will be to test the copy directly on the server (as a workstation) and, in last resort, try to compile my .EXE with VFP 8.0 or VFP 7.0

Thanks for your help



Look very strange!!! You bet.

Now I'm almost sure it's a virus or a network problem.

I was staring at my screen, trying to find one more solution, looking that C_Main.exe (on the network), when I saw something weird; the size of the .EXE change. It was as 20 546 KB, suddenly change to 20 719 KB, and then go back to 20 546 KB (and, SURPRISE, it’s not working anymore).

Sorry to make you loose your time with this. I appreciate all your comments.



I'm not one to jump to "Virus" as the problem, but I am begining to think exactly that. Some Viri corrupt files, epsecially .exe's during copy... if it's machine specific, it could be that one PC that is infected as well. You should do a scan, but also be prepared for it to come back clean... in any case, I have to say, this is deffinantly NOT a Fox problem...
I'm out of ideas at this point, let us know if you come up with anything new, and we'll turn that over in our little brains.

Best Regards,

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, and no simpler."[hammer]

Scott, I'm also thinking it's not a Fox problem, but, not even a "COPY FILE" problem, because the file gets corrupt after a certain time. If I copy a working C_Main.EXE to the network drive, it's working for 2 or 3 minutes, change size, go back to original size and boum ; crasch again.

I have to meet the network support tomorrow and try to find an answer.

I'll give you some feedback.



BTW : I test this on more than one workstation. So, if it's a virus, it spawn on the whole network. A lot of fun.

What network (type/version) are you running?

Best Regards,

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, and no simpler."[hammer]
Hi. Don't know yet but pretty sur it's Windows Server 2000 (the stations are all Win XP). I have to meet the network support today. I'll keep you inform.


Hi all.

Finally, I did met the network administrator and insist to scan the whole network (Windows 2003). He didn’t believe there was any virus on HIS network, rolling his eyes, but, I insist again.

Finally they called me this afternoon and, as I though, they found more than 5 different virus, causing havoc on my customer network. Irresponsible, if there’s a word.

Thank to you for your support, and sorry again for the misconduct of some bad network administrator, who still don’t care about a very simple task of upgrading, scanning and protecting there main “gagne pain”.



Glad you found the problem, and a fix.

Best Regards,

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, and no simpler."[hammer]
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