Netware 6.0 SP3 DS 10350.19 EDIR 8.6.2
Corrupt DS Database. DSREPAIR tries to repair but ends up with "Unable to delete DIB set : NDT Repair process aborted. Depending on what we are doing we also get -663 Locked Start. we did a DSREPAIR -X1K2 we got error at end of process -632. Unable to rename dib from ndt to nds. Copied NDT TO NDS per TID: 10092840
Corrupt DS Database. DSREPAIR tries to repair but ends up with "Unable to delete DIB set : NDT Repair process aborted. Depending on what we are doing we also get -663 Locked Start. we did a DSREPAIR -X1K2 we got error at end of process -632. Unable to rename dib from ndt to nds. Copied NDT TO NDS per TID: 10092840