Wanted some help. As a Norte engineer we used to restricts user dialing out through NCOS setting. We can defined 07 NCOS in nortel systems and in these NCOS any digit or Prefix we can allow or restricts, we the assign different NCOS to different users as par dialing requirements. We dont need different trunk groups / Routes in Nortel to restrict user to allow or deny an digit rather we used to have one single trunk group through which al dialout call goes through and to restrict users we assign different NCOS in extension settings.
Can somebody help how can we restrict or allow users using different COR while routing call from only one route pattern/trunk group??? i know in avaya we control user dialing using COR/FR relation but need advise/help if i can control using only COR and having ony one route / trunk group?
Can somebody help how can we restrict or allow users using different COR while routing call from only one route pattern/trunk group??? i know in avaya we control user dialing using COR/FR relation but need advise/help if i can control using only COR and having ony one route / trunk group?