I have two list boxes. One with a list of names to choose from and one to put the names the user chose into. The lists are very long and the user may wish to select a lot of names, so I am using a multi-select list box. However, instead of copying the text of the first and adding it to the second, its adding a bunch of -1's.
With lstContactList
intRow = 0
Do Until intRow > (lstContactList.ListCount - 1)
If .Selected(intRow) = True Then
lstMeetings.AddItem .Selected(intRow)
'.RemoveItem .Selected(intRow)
End If
intRow = intRow + 1
End With
The .removeitem line does not work either which is why I have disabled it.
With lstContactList
intRow = 0
Do Until intRow > (lstContactList.ListCount - 1)
If .Selected(intRow) = True Then
lstMeetings.AddItem .Selected(intRow)
'.RemoveItem .Selected(intRow)
End If
intRow = intRow + 1
End With
The .removeitem line does not work either which is why I have disabled it.