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Copying tape to tape using frecover/fbackup 1

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Apr 4, 2001
I am trying to copy a DLT7000 (/dev/rmt/2m) tape to a DLT4000 (/dev/rmt/3m) tape. I have managed to daisy chain the tape drives and HPUX can see them both but I cant work out with frecover/fbackup how to do a tape to tape copy. The first tape was saved using fbackup. Any clues ???
Hi Sun,
may be dd will work
dd if=/dev/rmt/2m of=/dev/rmt/3m


I tried the dd command and the tape drive that I have daisy chained always comes up with only one block of data. The tape has abot 60Gbytes on it so I am still not sure what is wrong. I used frecover to look at what is on it and it list all of the files okay.

Thanks anyway and I'll keep trying.
Try frecover from the source tape drive and pipe to fbackup to the destination tape drive. I don't know the right options off head , and l can't log into my server right now.
frecover -options /dev/rmt/0m|fbackup -options /dev/rmt/1m
source destination

try thhis it might work
Did you ever find out how to do the tape to tape copy????
I have an urgent need to copy DDS 3 tapes. The dd if=/dev/rmt/2m of=/dev/rmt/3m didn't work on the sure store dds 3 tapes either.

I'm afraid I have been off doing other things so didnt get a chance to reply. Neither of the above work for me. I left this with a system manager I know and he is going to get back to me. I'll post when I get a reply.

I've copied below a couple of responses that I got from the HP forum the DD solution worked on my test file and I haven't tried the script yet (need to get time on a system).
Unlike the response below I found that it worked with /dev/rmt/#m and it had problems using the /dev/rmt/#mnb with the blocksize set to 10K, but then I only had one test tar on the tape. Your milage may vary

Your fundamental problem is determining the block size of the source tape. I would do it like this (and assuming this is tar format rather):

dd if=/dev/rmt/2m (or whatever) ibs=10k obs=512 | tar vtf -

This will produce a listing to stdout. When you get the input blocksize correct, you will see no errors. If 10k doesn't work, try 5k; eventually you will get there.

Once that is done, you simply use dd and set bs equal to the ibs determined by the method above.
I suggest that if you do have multiple tar archives on the source tape that you use the Berkeley style norewind devices (e.g. /dev/rmt/2mnb).


I think the issue here is that the tape contains multiple filemarks - dd will only copy a single filemark - however a quick script will automate using the no rewind tape
We did something like this on an RS/6000(untested on HP9000)
while true
dd if=/dev/rmt/0mn of=/dev/rmt/1mn bs=10k
if [[$? -eq 0]]
print "File copied" $var1
print "Finished"

dd is a good choice for dubbling tapes.

What about:

dd if=/dev/rmt/#m of=/dev/rmt/#m bs=10k

where # are the instance numbers of your drives.

simon Simon Peter Wickham
Email: s.wickham@zoom.co.uk
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