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Copy the latest file in multiple directory

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Feb 21, 2005
Any help to a newbie will greatly appreciated.

I'm trying to write MS DOS batch file to check the 4 latest file in a directoty containing several subdirectories.

New can come and stored in any of the sub-dir (10,20,...). Goal is to copy the 4 newest file.



Since this is a UNIX Scripting forum, I'd recommend doing this by installing Cygwin and writing a bash script (that's how I'd do it).

Or, if you wanted to be Windows-y and are running a supported OS (which OS exactly, by the way?) you could use PowerShell, see forum1619.

Otherwise if it must be MS-DOS you may have some luck in one of the Windows forums.

[small]tgmlify - code syntax highlighting for your tek-tips posts[/small]
Thanks. I reposted the thread in MS Powershell
Sorry, was suffering from forum dyslexia. :)

Of course Perl would be a good option for this script too!

[small]tgmlify - code syntax highlighting for your tek-tips posts[/small]
As penance I've written a solution in Perl (tested using Strawberry Perl under Win XP):

[COLOR=#006600]#!/usr/bin/perl -w[/color]
[COLOR=#0000FF]use[/color] strict;
[COLOR=#0000FF]use[/color] File::Copy;
[COLOR=#0000FF]my[/color] $srcdir=[COLOR=#808080]"c:\\temp\\tektips\\subok2"[/color];
[COLOR=#0000FF]my[/color] $tgtdir=[COLOR=#808080]"c:\\temp\\tektips\\subok2\\copies"[/color];
[COLOR=#0000FF]my[/color] @fileinfo;
[COLOR=#0000FF]my[/color] $i=[COLOR=#FF0000]0[/color];

[COLOR=#FF0000]chdir[/color] $srcdir [COLOR=#FF8000]or[/color] [COLOR=#FF0000]die[/color] [COLOR=#808080]"unable to change to $srcdir"[/color];

[COLOR=#006600]# find dirs matching 10, 20, ...[/color]
[COLOR=#FF0000]opendir[/color] D,$srcdir [COLOR=#FF8000]or[/color] [COLOR=#FF0000]die[/color] [COLOR=#808080]"unable to open $srcdir"[/color];
[COLOR=#0000FF]my[/color] @subdirs = [COLOR=#FF0000]grep[/color] { /^[[COLOR=#FF0000]0[/color]-[COLOR=#FF0000]5[/color]][COLOR=#FF0000]0[/color]$/ } [COLOR=#FF0000]readdir[/color](D);
[COLOR=#FF0000]closedir[/color] D;

[COLOR=#006600]# find files in those dirs[/color]
[COLOR=#0000FF]foreach[/color] [COLOR=#0000FF]my[/color] $dir (@subdirs) {
	[COLOR=#FF0000]opendir[/color] D,$dir [COLOR=#FF8000]or[/color] [COLOR=#FF0000]die[/color] [COLOR=#808080]"unable to open $dir"[/color];
	[COLOR=#0000FF]my[/color] @files = [COLOR=#FF0000]grep[/color] { !/^[.]/} [COLOR=#FF0000]readdir[/color](D);
	[COLOR=#006600]# store their names and modification times[/color]
	[COLOR=#0000FF]foreach[/color] [COLOR=#0000FF]my[/color] $file (@files) {
		$fileinfo[$i]{name} = $dir . [COLOR=#808080]"\\"[/color] . $file;
		$fileinfo[$i++]{mtime} = ([COLOR=#FF0000]stat[/color]($fileinfo[$i]{name}))[[COLOR=#FF0000]9[/color]];
	[COLOR=#FF0000]closedir[/color] D;

[COLOR=#006600]# sort the files by modification time, process the last 4[/color]
[COLOR=#0000FF]foreach[/color] [COLOR=#0000FF]my[/color] $file (([COLOR=#FF0000]sort[/color] { ${$a}{mtime} <=> ${$b}{mtime} } @fileinfo)[-[COLOR=#FF0000]4[/color]..-[COLOR=#FF0000]1[/color]]) {
	[COLOR=#FF0000]print[/color] [COLOR=#808080]"Copying file ${$file}{name} (modified "[/color] . [COLOR=#FF0000]localtime[/color](${$file}{mtime}) . [COLOR=#808080]") to $tgtdir\n"[/color];
	copy(${$file}{name},$tgtdir) [COLOR=#FF8000]or[/color] [COLOR=#FF0000]die[/color] [COLOR=#808080]"Copy failed: $!"[/color];

[small]tgmlify - code syntax highlighting for your tek-tips posts[/small]

My server is using active PERL i'm trying to adapt the proposed script but i'm stucked at line 23
The directory structure was also changed :


/** compiling error
syntax error at T:\script\test.pl line 23, near "$dir ("
Global symbol "@srcdir" requires explicit package name at T:\script\test.pl line 23.
Global symbol "$dir" requires explicit package name at T:\script\test.pl line 24.
Global symbol "$dir" requires explicit package name at T:\script\test.pl line 24.
syntax error at T:\script\test.pl line 32, near "}"
Execution of T:\script\test.pl aborted due to compilation errors.

//***** script ******
#!d:\bin\perl.exe -w
#use warnings;
use lib 'd:/perl/site/lib';
use strict;
use File::Copy;

my $srcdir="T:/cfs/mp/monday/";
my $tgtdir="T:/script/";
my @fileinfo;
my $i=0;
#my @subdirs;

chdir $srcdir;

# find dirs in scrdir
opendir (DIR,$srcdir) or die "unable to open $srcdir";
while (($srcdir = readdir(DIR))) {
printf ("$srcdir\n");

# find files in those dirs
foreach my $dir (@srcdir) {
opendir (D,$dir) or die "unable to open $dir";
my @files = grep { !/^[.]/} readdir(D);
# store their names and modification times
foreach my $file (@files) {
$fileinfo[$i]{name} = $dir . "\\" . $file;
$fileinfo[$i++]{mtime} = (stat($fileinfo[$i]{name}))[9];
closedir D;

# sort the files by modification time, process the last 4
foreach my $file ((sort { ${$a}{mtime} <=> ${$b}{mtime} } @fileinfo)[-4..-1]) {
print "Copying file ${$file}{name} (modified " . localtime(${$file}{mtime}) . ") to $tgtdir\n";
copy(${$file}{name},$tgtdir) or die "Copy failed: $!";
You are trying to use the same $srcdir variable for two different things... which won't work. Any reason why you stopped using @subdirs?

If you don't like the original grep usage, you could do something like this:

# find dirs in srcdir
my @subdirs;
opendir (DIR,$srcdir) or die "unable to open $srcdir";
while ((my $dir = readdir(DIR))) {
    push @subdirs,$dir;

foreach my $dir (@subdirs) {

But note that you may need to do special handling of the "." and ".." directories.

[small]tgmlify - code syntax highlighting for your tek-tips posts[/small]
Thanks Annihilannic,

I modifed it a little a bit to adapt the according to my need and it is working perfectly now, below is code.

But I have one more favor to ask, these copied file are in CSV format and the filenames can be any, I need to search a particular string in line.
For example :

I need to search the line with "STPAM01.99" in column 5 and "10" in column 9 in one file and "STPAR02.99" in column 5 and "10" in column 9 in the other file.

Afterwards divide the value of column 14 with value of column 13 of the row for each file.
Depending on the result if it's > .50 script will call "low.bat" batch file.

Any suggestion on how to proceed.

Thanks a lot!

#!d:\bin\perl.exe -w
#use warnings;
use lib 'd:/perl/site/lib';
use strict;
use File::Copy;

my $srcdir="T:/cfs/mp/monday/";
my $tgtdir="T:/script";
my @fileinfo;
my $i=0;

chdir $srcdir or die "unable to change to $srcdir";

# find dirs matching time
opendir D,$srcdir or die "unable to open $srcdir";
my @subdirs = grep { /^[Hour]/ } readdir(D);
closedir D;;

# find files in those dirs
foreach my $dir (@subdirs) {
	opendir D,$dir or die "unable to open $dir";
	my @files = grep { /PM_SCANREP_STP/} readdir(D);
	# store their names and modification times
	foreach my $file (@files) {
		$fileinfo[$i]{name} = $dir . "\\" . $file;
		$fileinfo[$i++]{mtime} = (stat($fileinfo[$i]{name}))[9];
	closedir D;

# sort the files by modification time, process the last 2
foreach my $file ((sort { ${$a}{mtime} <=> ${$b}{mtime} } @fileinfo)[-2..-1]) {
	print "Copying file ${$file}{name} (modified " . localtime(${$file}{mtime}) . ") to $tgtdir\n";
	print ${$file}{name};
	copy(${$file}{name},$tgtdir) or die "Copy failed: $!";

One minor correction to your code: grep { /^[Hour]/ } should just be grep { /^Hour/ }. "^[Hour]" would match any filename beginning with the letters "H", "o", "u" or "r", whereas "^Hour" matches any filename beginning with the word "Hour".

I'm not sure I really understand your requirements, but this untested code should give you some ideas...

[COLOR=#006600]# ...[/color]

[COLOR=#006600]# sort the files by modification time, process the last 2[/color]
[COLOR=#0000FF]my[/color] @copiedfiles;
[COLOR=#0000FF]foreach[/color] [COLOR=#0000FF]my[/color] $file (([COLOR=#FF0000]sort[/color] { ${$a}{mtime} <=> ${$b}{mtime} } @fileinfo)[-[COLOR=#FF0000]2[/color]..-[COLOR=#FF0000]1[/color]]) {
	[COLOR=#FF0000]print[/color] [COLOR=#808080]"Copying file ${$file}{name} (modified "[/color] . [COLOR=#FF0000]localtime[/color](${$file}{mtime}) . [COLOR=#808080]") to $tgtdir\n"[/color];
	[COLOR=#FF0000]print[/color] ${$file}{name};
	copy(${$file}{name},$tgtdir) [COLOR=#FF8000]or[/color] [COLOR=#FF0000]die[/color] [COLOR=#808080]"Copy failed: $!"[/color];
        [COLOR=#FF0000]push[/color] @copiedfiles,[COLOR=#808080]"$tgtdir/${$file}{name}"[/color];

[COLOR=#0000FF]foreach[/color] [COLOR=#0000FF]my[/color] $file (@copiedfiles) {
        [COLOR=#FF0000]open[/color] FILE,$file [COLOR=#FF8000]or[/color] [COLOR=#FF0000]die[/color] [COLOR=#808080]"unable to open $file"[/color];
        [COLOR=#0000FF]while[/color] (<FILE>) {
                 [COLOR=#0000FF]my[/color] @a=[COLOR=#FF0000]split[/color](/,/);
                 [COLOR=#0000FF]if[/color] ($a[[COLOR=#FF0000]4[/color]] [COLOR=#FF8000]eq[/color] [COLOR=#808080]"STPAM01.99"[/color] && $a[[COLOR=#FF0000]9[/color]]==[COLOR=#FF0000]10[/color] && $a[[COLOR=#FF0000]13[/color]]/$a[[COLOR=#FF0000]12[/color]] > [COLOR=#FF0000]0[/color].[COLOR=#FF0000]5[/color]) { [COLOR=#FF0000]system[/color]([COLOR=#808080]"c:/somepath/low.bat $file"[/color]); }
                 [COLOR=#0000FF]if[/color] ($a[[COLOR=#FF0000]4[/color]] [COLOR=#FF8000]eq[/color] [COLOR=#808080]"STPAR02.99"[/color] && $a[[COLOR=#FF0000]9[/color]]==[COLOR=#FF0000]10[/color] && $a[[COLOR=#FF0000]13[/color]]/$a[[COLOR=#FF0000]12[/color]] > [COLOR=#FF0000]0[/color].[COLOR=#FF0000]5[/color]) { [COLOR=#FF0000]system[/color]([COLOR=#808080]"c:/somepath/low.bat $file"[/color]); }
        [COLOR=#FF0000]close[/color] FILE;

[small]tgmlify - code syntax highlighting for your tek-tips posts[/small]

I have inserted your proposal accoring to my need but i'm getting to following error when running it.

Use of uninitialized value in string eq at T:\script\test3.pl line 44, <FILE> line 98
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at T:\script\test3.pl line 45, <FILE> line 98

The idea of this script is to look for the 2 latest file in a source directory that contains several sub-directory.
The copied files are CSV and i need to divide the value of column 13 and 12 if the condition column 4 and 9 are met.
depending on the result a DOS batch is called.

#!d:\bin\perl.exe -w
#use warnings;
use lib 'd:/perl/site/lib';
use strict;
use File::Copy;

my $srcdir="T:/cfs/mp/monday/";
my $tgtdir="T:/script";
my @fileinfo;
my $i=0;
my @spf = glob "t:/script/*.spf";

chdir $srcdir or die "unable to change to $srcdir";

# find dirs matching time
opendir D,$srcdir or die "unable to open $srcdir";
my @subdirs = grep { /^Hour/ } readdir(D);
closedir D;;

# find files in those dirs
foreach my $dir (@subdirs) {
	opendir D,$dir or die "unable to open $dir";
	my @files = grep { /PM_SCANREP_STP/} readdir(D);
	# store their names and modification times
	foreach my $file (@files) {
		$fileinfo[$i]{name} = $dir . "\\" . $file;
		$fileinfo[$i++]{mtime} = (stat($fileinfo[$i]{name}))[9];
	closedir D;

# sort the files by modification time, process the last 2
foreach my $file ((sort { ${$a}{mtime} <=> ${$b}{mtime} } @fileinfo)[-2..-1]) {
	print "Copying file ${$file}{name} (modified " . localtime(${$file}{mtime}) . ") to $tgtdir\n";
	print ${$file}{name};
	copy(${$file}{name},$tgtdir) or die "Copy failed: $!";

foreach my $file (@spf) {
	open FILE, "< $file" or die "Cannot open $file for read\n$!";       
        while (<FILE>) {
                 my @a=split(/,/);
	         if ($a[4] eq "STPAM01.47" && $a[9]==10 && $a[13]/$a[12] > 0.5) { system("t:/script/low.bat"); }
	         if ($a[4] eq "STPAR02.47" && $a[9]==10 && $a[13]/$a[12] > 0.5) { system("t:/script/low2.bat"); }           

        close FILE;
And what is on line 98 of the input file? My guess is that it doesn't have 14 fields...

[small]tgmlify - code syntax highlighting for your tek-tips posts[/small]
Thanks Annihilannic,

the last feedback gave me hint, i forgot that my cvs is actually semi-colon separated.
after changing in the split function /,/ with /;/... it worked!!

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