I have a simple question, and I've been looking at this code for too long. I want to open up three seperate files, one to read, the other two to update. I have structures in the files that need to be changed from file1 to both file2 and file3. Now, file3 doesn't have the same structure, but I need to get the date in file1 to go to both of these other files...how can I do this?
I have a simple question, and I've been looking at this code for too long. I want to open up three seperate files, one to read, the other two to update. I have structures in the files that need to be changed from file1 to both file2 and file3. Now, file3 doesn't have the same structure, but I need to get the date in file1 to go to both of these other files...how can I do this?