hi there,
We copied 400 gb data from old server to new server. the folder and sub folder have different NTFS permissions. I was looking for a way to copy the ntfs permission from old server to new server. i came across this
dir c:\test -recurse | where {$_.PSIsContainer} | foreach {
$target= ($_.fullname).replace("C:\test","D:\test")
Get-Acl $_.Fullname | Set-Acl $target -whatif
the above script doesnt copy ntfs permissions, not sure why.. any suggestions ?
thank you..
We copied 400 gb data from old server to new server. the folder and sub folder have different NTFS permissions. I was looking for a way to copy the ntfs permission from old server to new server. i came across this
dir c:\test -recurse | where {$_.PSIsContainer} | foreach {
$target= ($_.fullname).replace("C:\test","D:\test")
Get-Acl $_.Fullname | Set-Acl $target -whatif
the above script doesnt copy ntfs permissions, not sure why.. any suggestions ?
thank you..