I have the following code in my build.xml file. My problem is that it doesn't copy the JSP or XML files from the sub-folders of src.home into the respective build.home sub-folders. How can I accomplish this without explicitly providing each folder name to copy/paste?
<!-- Copy the jsp pages to the root directory -->
<copy todir="${build.home}">
<fileset dir="${src.home}">
<include name="*.jsp"/>
<!-- Copy the xml files to the root directory -->
<copy todir="${build.home}">
<fileset dir="${src.home}">
<include name="*.xml"/>
<!-- Copy the jsp pages to the root directory -->
<copy todir="${build.home}">
<fileset dir="${src.home}">
<include name="*.jsp"/>
<!-- Copy the xml files to the root directory -->
<copy todir="${build.home}">
<fileset dir="${src.home}">
<include name="*.xml"/>