I have lots of data in a folder and I want to copy it to another folder (which already has some of the data) I don't want to have to wait for it to copy and overrite all files. I only want to overrite files which don't already exist in the 2nd file. I want to start the copy process and not have to be prompted for some input e.g. directory already exists do you want to overwrite. There are deep folder structures.
How do I do this?
I have lots of data in a folder and I want to copy it to another folder (which already has some of the data) I don't want to have to wait for it to copy and overrite all files. I only want to overrite files which don't already exist in the 2nd file. I want to start the copy process and not have to be prompted for some input e.g. directory already exists do you want to overwrite. There are deep folder structures.
How do I do this?